Briatore's Wedding

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac


Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:59 pm

...Which brings us (pace FrogiS and your Dear Wife), round to George Bernard Shaw's advice to those about to get married...
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:20 pm

which was...?

Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:24 pm


But it has never stopped me.....
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:46 pm


Marriage is a respectable and wonderful institution. But who wants to live in an institution...?

I am sure you don't regret not following GBS's advice. Who knows if there would be any regrets if you HAD followed it, though... :wink:

Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:00 pm

One very tactless neighbour here and his charming wife came to lunch with us one day and he came out with the line: "They say that a man who brings a wife to Brazil is like a man who would take a bucket of sand to the beach." His wife snarled :evil: ; my wife looked at me :twisted: (I being unable to contain what I now FULLY understand to have been an unforgivably cheap smirk) and she has not stopped mentioning the episode at every available opportunity, with the further consequence that I have also been under virtual house arrest ever since..... :cry:
Frog in Suit
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:26 pm

Silence and impassibility should be taught in school. I remember the same point being made in Stalky and Co., when No 5 study appeal to the Head after King charges them with being drunk.

Frog in Suit

Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:08 am

:oops: Yes, FrogiS, you are quite right. The thing is that the ladies were talking amongst themselves and one forgets that they have, at times, ESP, and so I thought it both polite and safe to titter..... but how wrong I was......Just returning to our sheep (you know what I mean) - below is a bad photograph of FE Smith in the famous Spy cartoon 'A Successful maiden speech' sub-titled 'Moab is my washpot' and here is the man (Churchill's greatest friend), described, by many at the time, as the 'ablest man in the kingdom', dressed for his maiden speech in the House of Commons. We know that it is drawn from the life because Spy (Sir Leslie Ward) only signed as Spy when the cartoons were drawn from the life. He is in quite formal morning dress - black waistcoat with white slips, spongebags, galosh-topped boots and silk hat (which he detested) and retro-centric critics might moan 'Oh! here we go again!' But just look at the picture - he is dressed with every perfect propriety for the occasion; he is in command of himself; he is the master of any circumstance which he might encounter; relaxed and insouciant. The clothes simply (and perfectly) cover a human form and a human force. Difficult really to begin a comparison with the jaunty man with whom we began this thread, tripping along the pavement in monogrammed hearth slippers (amongst other things). F E 's shirt collar is a little big and high for a modern occasion, the watchchain would be an affectation, the buttonhole is a little overblown but, apart from those points of period detail, he could attend today any formal morning affair and go, apart from his deportment, unnoticed. A big earner, he died (very young), deeply in debt and Beaverbrook paid for his children's education. Unconcerned with money, except what it could bring him - and always of the very best, he is a far cry from the clueless billionaires of our own time, who are more concerned with being talked about for the money which they could never spend at all - let alone wisely. Of all the great works that F E accomplished (importantly, land law and divorce law reform), of all the wit of which he was capable, for me the most plangent thing that he ever wrote was a line of a verse on the early death of Mona Dunne:

'She died,as those must die, who dare, too vividly, to live.'

...And I don't suppose that she ever wore carpet slippers in the street either....
El Aristocrata
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:36 pm

Hola a todos,

Nowadays no one seems to know what elegance is or should be and everything looks to be permitted. In my view, that morning suit is not the right one. I don’t see the point of so much black. Another thing I cannot understand is the slippers with their names on them. I do not like slippers with morning suit (I am not saying is not correct), but those blue letters are too much.

I guess Briatore is a good F1 manager but for sure no handsome man
There is something about Aznar shoes that makes me wonder if these are no the wrong ones :?: . I think I should need a closer view. I know that here we just talk about men dressing but Aznar´s wife as well as her daughter are not dressing for the occasion either.

By the way, does anyone know who is Mr. Azanar taylor?
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Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:20 pm

storeynicholas wrote:Surely, all that RWS is saying is: dress in a way that is appropriate to the environment and the company; or, put another way, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.... Where is the difference between you? I discern none - although.. I have just been able to see the last picture where the chap is wearing a swallow-tail evening coat with morning dress....and, unless men are billionaires, do women afull foot taller, really marry them?
Yes, women get desperate too. Remember in most places of the world women outnumber men by atleast 3 to 1

Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:28 pm

Yes, S Otto - I'm just not sure about the inclusion of the word "too" in your post!!
El Aristocrata
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Fri Jun 27, 2008 10:34 am

I was right. There was something wrong about Mr.Aznar shoes. He was wearing a loafers in Briatore´s wedding.
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Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:11 pm

I'm still interested in learning who Sr. Aznar's tailor is.
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Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:58 pm

El Aristocrata wrote:Guille,
I was right. There was something wrong about Mr.Aznar shoes. He was wearing a loafers in Briatore´s wedding.
Really? That is quite a surprise, I didn't notice when I looked at it and I wouldn't expect it from him, perhaps he wore them because he knew that people would be dressing quite clown-ly, so he didn't want to look dressed for a state visit or something.
RWS wrote:I'm still interested in learning who Sr. Aznar's tailor is.
I don't know the answer to this question either. I would guess it should be a Madrilian tailor, but I don't know who.
El Aristocrata
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Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:18 am

I do not know who Mr. Aznar tailor is (I guess is not a famous one) but I can give you Mr. Zapatero tailor name (just in case you like the way he dress)

Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:31 am

El Aristocrata wrote:I do not know who Mr. Aznar tailor is (I guess is not a famous one) but I can give you Mr. Zapatero tailor name (just in case you like the way he dress)
I'm interested too. I've have to say that Zapatero doesn't look comfortable in a suit. The trousers look too long as well.
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