Observations on Jermyn St & surroundings.

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Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:52 pm

I made one of my rare visits to London this week, I was shocked at the number of empty shops in the Piccadilly Arcade. I know times are hard, even the Burlington Arcade has at least one empty shop, I hope they are filled again soon or some bright spark may decide to "redevelop" the area. I was pleased to see Bates busy with customers young and not so young but saddened to think they will not be there much longer, the closure notices are going up around there. I assume the owners of Bates still intend to retire rather than relocate?

I nearly bought some patterned handkerchiefs in Turnbull & Asser until I saw they print their name on them, I dislike visible brand names and I would have thought most of their customers would too, perhaps it is just me?

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Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:17 am

Shops 2-10 in the Piccadilly Arcade were all leased by Wedgwood which went to the wall earlier this year. I looks to the casual observer that more than one shop is empty.

Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:00 pm

I hope, culverwood, that it's just the shop and not Wedgwood the company? That would be depressing...
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Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:47 pm

I am sorry to say the company as a whole in January this year.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/mobile/i/bbc_news ... 1048.shtml

For a number of months there were offers to be had in the arcade but I did not see anything that I wanted even as a bargin.
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Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:10 pm

When is Bates set to close?

Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:24 pm

culverwood wrote:I am sorry to say the company as a whole in January this year.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/mobile/i/bbc_news ... 1048.shtml

For a number of months there were offers to be had in the arcade but I did not see anything that I wanted even as a bargin.
I am shocked. Josiah Wedgwood (indirectly, as a fine potter) and William Cookworthy (with his discovery of fine-grade China clay around my home town of St Austell) brought prosperity to central Cornwall and they, together, gave the world some beautiful objects. Thankfully, many of them remain; including a whole ceiling in the current Crockford's. Maybe, since the clay industry that they gave has sunk into oblivion, it is only to be expected that the use of it should fail too. The clay is still there in Cornwall - it's just cheaper to produce it in Brasil. The government is going to build an 'eco-town' on the old work sites. But what will these people, living there, do for a living? Ah! yes, they'll be employed by the government to provide services, to the local instant community, at the tax payers' expense and, actually, produce nothing. I am sorry - for ranting some more - but this and, say, the loss of Bates' shop, are just symptoms of the disintegration of a whole civilization. My friends, sometimes, complain that I have run away. I have. I have run a way from watching its dismantling. There was nothing left to do. I tried, in a small way, to make a difference. But when the smell of easy money gets in people's nostrils, they just slobber after it. So I left. But I am still saddened at such news. What next shall fall?
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Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:19 pm

Wedgwood was indeed put into receivership in January but has since been bought by a private equity firm based in New York.

Before we all lament this as symptomatic of the decline of western civilisation, Wedgwood as-was (i.e. pre-administration) had very little connection with the company founded by the Wedgwood family in the 18th century. Until January it was part of the Waterford Wedgwood Plc group, headquartered in Ireland, it's main shareholder being Tony O'Reilly, ex-rugby union international and erstwhile CEO of Heinz (yes, they of baked beans reknown).

Wedgwood itself is still producing very nice china. I know because we have just received beautiful Wedgwood dinner service, having got married in August. :D

Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:42 pm

sartorius- congratulations on your news.
I am very pleased to hear about the pottery firm!
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Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:52 pm

I was at Bates this past week and the news is not at all good. The hat merchant will be closing in February. They are looking to share some space elsewhere on Jermyn Street but the details are not certain yet.

This is a terrible shame and an equally terrible loss.


Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:35 pm

There has always been a tendency for developers to get their way and it is not just in the modern age that great buildings have been lost - the greater part of the last galleried coaching inn in London (The George in Southwark) was lost to railway warehouse development - and Chaucer's nearby Tabard was just demolished. One might think that succeeding generations would learn from the mstakes of their forebears but, instead, the relentless process of destruction continues - even speeds up. It is, though, perhaps a pity that the Crown Estates' Commissioners don't have a more careful eye for preservation. Apparently, they do not.
Bishop of Briggs
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Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:00 pm

alden wrote:I was at Bates this past week and the news is not at all good. The hat merchant will be closing in February. They are looking to share some space elsewhere on Jermyn Street but the details are not certain yet.

This is a terrible shame and an equally terrible loss.

A friend told me that Bates plans to share Hilditch & Key's larger shop, opposite Turnbull & Asser, from March. Trumper's new shop in Duke of York Street, next to the Red Lion, is being fitted out. Herbie Frogg, not my taste, is closing down after 40 years.
Bishop of Briggs
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Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:16 pm

I should also add that there were shopfitters working in Maitland's old shop on Saturday afternoon. The old fittings remained and it appeared that the workmen were more concerned with other issues than removing them.
Bishop of Briggs
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Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:42 am

culverwood wrote:Shops 2-10 in the Piccadilly Arcade were all leased by Wedgwood which went to the wall earlier this year. I looks to the casual observer that more than one shop is empty.
After my beer with Michael yesterday, I strolled down to Jermyn Street to buy some essentials - Pantherella socks etc. I was pleasantly surprised to see signs of recovery.

The Wedgewood shop has been taken by Kent & Curwen and the shopfitters are in already. Kent & Curwen used have its flagship store on the corner of Piccadilly and St James Street but moved up to smaller premises off Regent Street.

Barker has opened up a new shop on Jermyn Street opposite Hilditch & Key's smaller store and Hackett. It is selling its higher quality range.
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Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:36 pm

Glad to hear there are signs of recovery, I shall be up again in the new year so will see for myself. I do not know Kent & Curwen and cannot get beyond the front page of their website.

I was extremely pleased to hear that Bates will continue trading although sad that it won't be in their current premises (I am glad that Michael has videoed the shop as a record) no chance that they might re-create the interior in their new address? At the very least I hope they are taking Binks with them!

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Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:44 pm

It wouldn't be Bates without Binks!
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