All you need to do: is open your eyes; your ears, and your hearts and minds to all its reality; which is well evidenced, and in our grasp of apprehension. Kathleen Ferrier is very long physically dead: what she wore is long rotted but the recordings of what she was remain and can still move us; who are so far beyond her physical reach.
Or, again, Marlene:
Or even Coward's introduction for her:
All very different. Each sui generis. But they all appeal to us as human beings - well they all appeal to some of us. Too few perhaps: I even think that Amy Winehouse and Lady Gaga can sing but you can never lexicogaph any of it! All that you can do is: watch it; listen to it and....if you are alive and hangin' on in there.... just hope that some of Lady Gaga rubs off on you...