HRH The Prince of Wales + MTM suits from T&A

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

Bishop of Briggs
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Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:29 pm

Scot wrote:It may be my untrained eye but, whoever is currently making the heir's suits, those featuring in his recent public appearances have displayed little in the way of drape. ... man-030609

Why HRH should have gone for the A&S style is a puzzle anyway. He wears stiff, short, spread collars with very tightly knotted ties. A very military look that does not seem to complement the more relaxed style of soft tailoring.

The Prince's military tailors in Saville row make a really excellent civvy suit, as I know form experience. What is more they probably cost not a great deal more than T&A MTM.
The Prince of Wales has sloping shoulders and needs some padding. The Esquire pictures show him wearing suits with more shoulder padding and more structure, probably Cheshire Bespoke for T&A. He looks a bit stiff in them. Perhaps the Henry Poole cut would be a good compromise for him.
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Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:39 am

storeynicholas wrote:It seems to me a pity that HRH has gone into dumbed-down suiting just as he has, plainly, accepted advice not to express his views on town planning to the same extent as before - as though he has no real voice in the world; when there are many who think that he used to talk good sense about some of the rubbish buildings being thrown up. Probably, he has been told to try to look more like a middle manager in an insurance company - so that he is familiar and not too offensive to The People - because someone has come up with the idea that to survive, members of the royal family need to start looking ordinary and keep their heads down.
That's quite believable, especially given the publicity that surrounded his 'switch' to T&A suits (the newspaper article that was widely posted on clothing forums). Personally, I like very much HRH's outspokenness; I've a great deal more trust in him than I do in the people in Westminster.
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