Land Ownership

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Posts: 442
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:29 pm

Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:36 pm

Basically the idea is that only gentry is capable of wise political deliberations, since decisions will involve the deliberate sacrifice of valuable economic resources. Perhaps a certificate of authentic bespoke should entitle a gentleman to one vote. :)

Not all women are gentleladies. In any case, a well-bred lady would prefer to leave political matters to their men since they have better things to spend time and energy on.

Armed uprisings in this age of sophisticated military and secret intelligence? A Chinaman coudn't even liberate his own motherland. It would be more fruitful to vote with your feet; i.e., emigrate. And there's always other better alternatives to Swiss banking, estate planning, shell coorporate structures, etc., so that no tax is available to a profligate demagogue.

I do apologise for digressing from the thread of this discussion. :oops:

Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:21 am

Happy Stroller - We all have our own views on the Best Government. As for votes for women: go talk to Mrs Thatcher's generation - as for me - and Great Western Democracy - I have voted with my feet!! In case I am unclear: let them stick the current version of it up their jumpers!! Briefly, what rights do the USA, the UK, the main western European nations and Russia have to a monopoly over nuclear weapons? But I hope that GWD recovers the accustomed even tenor of its way. So far as China is concerned - well, it is not my immediate preoccupation. I would think that, if they were ruled wisely (maybe they are already), Russia, China, India and Brazil could be the coming nations for the next 1,000 years - unless the world leaders decide to blow the earth up in the meantime - which, frankly, is not the far-flung hypothesis that it seems. However, advocating votes for land-owners and none for women is hardly going to do much, is it?
Posts: 442
Joined: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:29 pm

Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:49 am

Returning to your original thread, I hope I have the chance to speak for some cloth before those establishments along Savile Row close down.

I'd be so sad to see those small cottages down in Surbiton torn down along with their tenderly-cultivated gardens.

As for the old townhouses around streets such as Philbeach Gardens, Baker Street, etc., and those quiant shophouses on the Eastern edge of London's West End, they'll look magnificent if they could be restored and that economical mode of transport for gentlemen, the horse carriage, were to be brought back.

Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:21 am

Happy Stroller - you have a very special point of view.
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