ArchI only meant that once you have a bespoke suit, you are pretty much sorted for most events in life. I was thinking also about all the people who used to be on here that I learnt from and who have since moved on
Some of the guys who write less here have started their own blogs and find that means of communication better than in a shared environment. I don't think they stopped being interested in clothes or style, au contraire.
Yes, I think some people wear suits because they feel they have to wear one, say, for ceremonies and the like. And in that case they might only need one suit.
I wear some form of benchmade tailored clothing every single day of my life because I feel more comfortable wearing it. Other clothing does not fit me and I feel poorly in it. Even if I am wearing jeans (made by a tailor), I will have a handsewn shirt, and handsewn jacket on my back and nice polished shoes. I can't fathom people who live in their jogging clothes and trainers, but live and let live. In fact, I am happy they have opted out. At home, you will find me in benchmade PJs and robe because they are more comfortable, largely due to the fabrics selection.
So you see I could not get by with one suit....or even one dozen!