Trenchcoat. Why not?

What you always wanted to know about Elegance, but were afraid to ask!
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Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:40 am

Melcombe wrote: Problem now is whether to hang onto the original purchase to wear on the occasion of really horrid train / tube journeys, or donate to my daughter's vintage clothes emporium.
Not a real problem. Since your original purchase is single breasted, I would keep them both leaving the double breasted with warm lining for winter (or when you have to carry your grenades) :)
To my wife despair, I've always been very reluctant to get rid of a garment even if I have a duplicate. Closets have suffered, but time has told me I've been right to hang onto the older pieces. There's a special pleasure in carelessly wearing, soiling and battering an older coat, knowing you have another one in line.
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Sun Nov 26, 2017 8:05 pm

hectorm wrote: To my wife despair, I've always been very reluctant to get rid of a garment even if I have a duplicate. Closets have suffered, but time has told me I've been right to hang onto the older pieces. There's a special pleasure in carelessly wearing, soiling and battering an older coat, knowing you have another one in line.
Thanks H

You have, I believe, given a suggestion that merits printing out and framing.

And hanging in a conspicuous position (at Mrs M's head-height) on my wardrobe door.

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Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:23 pm

If one wants, there is a gorgeous Sulka trenchcoat (from its final years of existence) in Belseta on eBay right now.
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