Music of the Day

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Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:44 pm

Ah, mio Dio! La Tebaldi!!...
A bit of post-mortem rivalry? :twisted: ... re=related
(no wonder comments are disabled... 8) )
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Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:35 am

Well, now you're talking. I don't need to close my eyes, and on top of that, there is no need to transpose down the music either. :wink:
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Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:41 am

hectorm wrote:I don't need to close my eyes
No, but you have to tap your ears - pieta', pieta'! She could only get away with that because she was Callas...
However, she could sing beautifully, so beautifully, as well: ... re=related
Incredible that it's the same piece from the same voice!
I think this is a feature of the genius, I have noticed it in actors, too: GOOD actors or singers work hard, keep a constant quality of their performance and are able to sustain it at the same level from beginning to end; bravo to them, admirable. A GENIUS performer, however, lacks that consistency, they will perform poorly most of the time, they would have lots of bad days, they would make unacceptable mistakes - but, BUT!... they will have a few SUBLIME moments, sending shivers down your spine or leaving you breathless, of which the GOOD performer is not capable. And for that, we can forgive anything.
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Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:46 am

Some more good advice from Bartoli: "Leave the thorn, take the rose!"
OK, cover your eyes... here goes the rose, thorns and all:
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Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:11 am

Or, while speaking of roses - take the horn, like the nightingale did...
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:21 am

Well, chains do not necessarily follow roses, but if they do--Aretha Franklin
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Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:33 pm

Ah...Lucia Popp. What a lieder singer! Thank you, Costi.
IMO she is as close to perfection as it is possible in this world.
Would you include her in your list of "consistent" performing artists or in the "genius" performers?
For me she's "consistently sublime".
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Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:30 pm

I am most happy to agree, hectorm... consistently sublime - the third kind :)

And another close encounter of the third kind for a lieder lover like yourself:
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Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:01 pm

I love to speak with Leonard
He's a sportsman and a shepherd
He's a lazy bastard
Living in a suit
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Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:55 pm


Evening, a rosy, slow and transparent cloud
Over the space dreamy and beautiful
The Moon sweetly appears in the horizon,
Decorating the afternoon like a nice damsel
Who rushes and dreamy adorns herself
With an anxious soul to become beautiful
Shout all Nature to the Sky and to the Earth!
All birds become silent to the Moon's complains
And the Sea reflects its great splendor
Softly, the shining Moon just awakes
The cruel missing that laughs and cries
Evening, a rosy, slow and transparent cloud
Over the space dreamy and beautiful
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Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:22 am

Monday morning inspiration :)

Da anni sono qui
For years I've been here
incatenato a questa scrivania
chained to this desk
mentre laggiù, oltre la nebbia,
while down there, beyond the fog
si allarga l'orizzonte, e sono qui.
the horizon widens, and I am here.

Non è festa, però
It's not a national holiday, but
in ufficio non andrò.
I won't go to the office.
Ogni giorno sempre li,
Always there everyday
ma perchè, ah, ma per chi.
but why, for whom?

Stamattina non mi va,
This morning I am in a bad mood
voglio dare un calcio a tutta la cittá.
I want to give a kick to the whole city
Amore mio, vieni anche tu,
Love of mine, come along you too
il capufficio lasciamolo su.
Let's leave the head of the office up.

Lasciamolo su.
Let's leave him up [in the air].

Che hanno fatto di me,
What have they done out of me
sono un semplice lacchè
I am just a lackey
che da anni dice si,
that for years and years has been saying "yes"
sempre si, si sono qui.
always yes, yes I am here.

Stamattina nei polmoni
This morning, in my lungs
no, non voglio l'aria dei termosifoni.
no, I don't want the air coming from the radiators
Amore mio, vieni anche tu,
Love of mine, come along you too
il capufficio lasciamolo su.
Let's leave the head of the office up.

Lasciamolo su.
Let's leave him up

La campagna dov'è,
Where's the countryside
voglio il verde intorno a me,
I want the greenery around me
il profumo della sera
the scent of the evening
quando torna primavera.
when spring comes again.

Questa volta faccio senza
This time I'll do without
della pastasciutta stanca della mensa.
the old pasta from the canteen
Amore mio, vieni anche tu,
Love of mine, come along you too
il capufficio lasciamolo su.
Let's leave the head of the office up.

Lasciamolo su.
Let's leave him up

Ma che facciamo,
But what do we do
ma dove andiamo tutti incolonnati
where do we go all standing in line
in queste nostre maledette macchinette.
in [front of] these damned machines of ours.
Oggi c'è il sole.
Today the sun is up.

Non lo timbrate il cartellino,
Don't clock in (don't stamp the time sheet)
non la firmate la presenza.
don't sign in (don't sign the presence sheet)
Ma da quanti anni
But for how many years now
non vi arrampicate su un albero.
Haven't you climbed on a tree?

Tutti in campagna
Everybody at the countryside
a cogliere margherite.
picking up dasies.
Libertà, libertá.
Freedom, freedom.

La la la la la la la......

Questa volta faccio senza
This time I'll do without
della pastasciutta stanca della mensa.
the old pasta from the canteen
Amore mio, vieni anche tu,
Love of mine, come along you too
il capufficio lasciamolo su.
Let's leave the head of the office up.

La la la la la la la......
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Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:23 pm

A response to Costi´s shameful incitement to not to go to work. :) ... re=related
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Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:52 pm

Haha! :D
BUT, Hectorm!... Celentano can work all he wants - strike or no strike: if he doesn't make love WELL, he gets NO dinner anyway from Mina...

lui: che t'aggia fa... che t'eggia dì... tu si bella si bella si bella
ma me decest prima de spusarme ca tu cucinav bene e invece nu bip hai fatt quannu ce simmo spusate.
he: what should i do..what should i're beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, but before marrying me you told me
you could cook well and instead since we got together
you didn't (beep) anything.

lei: teh... me quannu parli te metti pure a fischià..,
she: hey... but when you speak are you whistling too ?..

lui: quale fischio... chi ha fischieto...???
he: which whistle..who whistled?

lei: ho sentito un fischio...
she: I've heard a whistle...

lui: che t'aggia fa'... che t'eggia dì... che che t'aggia fa'
che t'aggia dì...
he: what should i do...what should i say...what should i do...
what should i say...

lei: madonne mie e che vuoi fa'. .???
she: my Virgin Mary, what would you do?

lui: tu si bella tu si belle, ma ti l'aggia fa'...
he: you're beautiful, beautiful but i must do it..

lei: che cosa...???
she: what?

lui: te lo devo fare..
he: i must do it to you...

lei: che cosa...???
she: what?

lui: ti devo fare un bel paliatone grosso, un paliatone che neanche quando te l'ha fatto tuo padre te lo puoi ricordare...
he: i must hit you, hit you so much, that you won't remember such a thing even from the time you got it from your fahter

lei: teh... e a chi vuoi fa lu pelietone. .io prima de spusarme
ero accussì cuntenta de spusarme cu te pecchè dicevo... penzevo.. chissà quante bella notte d'amore che passava con lui e invece no (bip) hai fatt... è inutile che fischi
she: hey... to whom do you wanna hit and slap...before going married I was so happy to marry you since I was saying... thinking... Goodness knows how many lovely nights I will pass with him and instead you didn't (beep) anything ... it's useless you whistle!

lui: ... e chi ha fischiato...
he: and who did whistle...

lei: tu non sapive fa l'amore e io... me so scucciata
che t'eggia di'... che t'aggia fa'... che t'aggie dì.. che t'aggia fa'.. tu non zai fa' l'amore e io non saccio cucenà
she: you don't know how to make love and I... I got bored
what should i say...what should i do...what should i say...
what should i can't make love and I can't cook

lui: e io te facc no paliatone ti faccio un paliatone accussi
prime o poi tu te imbare... te imbare a cucine...
he: and i will slap you, will slap you so much so you gotta gotta learn to cook

lei: no io non inbaro, non imbaro per niende se tu non imbari e fare l'amore io non m'imbaro a cucinare manghe se m'accide de mazzate neanche se mi fai imboccare io non imbaro i'.
she: No, I won't learn, I won't absolutely learn,unless you learn how to make love I won't learn to cook even if you kill me by slaps, even if you force me,I won't learn, no.

lei: che t'aggia dì... che t'aggia fa'... (2 volte)
she: what should i say...what should i do... (2 times)

coro: che t'aggia dì... che t'aggia fa'... (4 volte)
choir:what should i say... what should i do... (4 times)

lei: nehh che vuoi fa'... che vuoi fa... mi vuoi picchiare?
she: and so.. what do you wanna you want to beat me?

lui: no io te voio toccà
he: no... I want to touch you!

lei: ma io non saccio cucinà
she: but i can't cook

lui: e io ti taccio un paliatone
he: and then I will hit you.

coro: che t'aggia dì... che t'aggia fa'...
choir: what should I say...what should I do...

(translation copied, not mine)

Who's on strike now? :oops:
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