So, it was a quite a nostalgic trip into my own childhood as I uncovered some of the clothes I remembered him wearing during the 1970's and 80's. All of his clothes were in exceptionally good condition given their age - admittedly, he could no longer fit into the earlier pieces so they remained "well stored".
Among his numerous cashmere jackets, 2 from the early 1970's particularly stood out for me. I share them with you in the possible hope that the fabrics may inspire a small enough following that the esteemed Michael Alden may consider replicating them as part of the Cloth Club - I would certainly be a significant subscriber of both.
This first jacket is 100% cashmere by W. Bill ( I hadn't realised they actually had a shop on Bond Street in the '70's where they not only sold cloth but made bespoke garments). I think he picked this one "off the rack" as it doesn't indicate bespoke, but it simply drips with astonishing craftsmanship - the button holes are just fantastic. It also has softness but with a body and drape that is rare these days especially for cashmere. The lovely subtle colour of light sage goes very well with jeans:

This second one is my absolute favourite. It is a bespoke jacket also in 100% cashmere made for him by Turnbull & Asser in the early '70's. The cloth is simply alive with light and bounce. It is soft and luscious but, given its age, amazingly durable. The cloth has a complexity up close that cannot be noticed from a distance, but is instead seen as depth.