Michael, you nailed it. He needs nickers and a damn lunch box. I hate to be an asshole but damn what a waste. Feel free to delete this. But it's so ridiculous.
Au contraire some tough love is merited. This young man used good cloth, a good tailor and he could have had a jacket he would wear until he is 90 and then hand it down to his son. Instead, in a year or so, it will look strange, the fashion will have changed and all this bundle of time, expense and energy will be enclosed in a musty closet bound grave.
Some young men have the time and finances to change an entire wardrobe every year in order to follow fashion. But I suspect most of you, young readers of the LL, have other channels for your disposable income ..or you should.
Fashion is a "ridiculous" temptress. When you dress to please others, you betray only yourself.
Lorenzo, thank you for posting your coat. Wear it in good health. Take all these words as well meaning counsel. And if it doesn't apply to you at all, shirk it like water off a duck's back.
Oh, and compliments to the tailor.