The film Kingsmen

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Tue May 26, 2015 5:35 pm

Dr T wrote:Andy 57 - there was another error about shoes at the same time as the comment about Oxfords being open laced.
I believe that the password to access Kingsman´s hotline: "Oxfords, Not Brogues" is stylistically inconsistent (although maybe not a full clanger in itself). It might imply that oxfords and brogues are categories exclusive of each other. But brogues can be oxfords (or derbys) depending on the lacing, and oxfords can be also brogues depending on the decoration. "Oxfords, NO Brogues" (oxfords without broguing) would have been more precise.
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Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:38 am

The cars were driving the wrong way up Savile Row. I can understand the reasoning as arriving with Albany as a backdrop is better than a tower block and a road closed sign (though it is now open).
Dr T
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Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:42 pm

hectorm wrote:
Dr T wrote:Andy 57 - there was another error about shoes at the same time as the comment about Oxfords being open laced.
I believe that the password to access Kingsman´s hotline: "Oxfords, Not Brogues" is stylistically inconsistent (although maybe not a full clanger in itself). It might imply that oxfords and brogues are categories exclusive of each other. But brogues can be oxfords (or derbys) depending on the lacing, and oxfords can be also brogues depending on the decoration. "Oxfords, NO Brogues" (oxfords without broguing) would have been more precise.
I fully agree. :D
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Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:32 pm

The film critics here were evidently not interested in sartorial clangers.
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Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:06 pm

Could anyone identify the tweed Jack Davenport wears?

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Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:27 pm

Sage green LL? :lol:
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Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:26 pm

I was around Savile Row at the weekend and they were filming Kingsman 2.
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Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:41 pm

rogiercreemers wrote:Could anyone identify the tweed Jack Davenport wears?

Dunno, but he is wearing neither Oxfords nor brogues. :lol:
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