regional dressing traditions

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:09 pm

I once posted about this before and had no responses: I am particularly interested in regional dressing traditions (especially concerning material) peculiar to the various parts of England and Italy. For example, my Cloth Club material arrived and Fox calls itself a manufacturer of "West of England Flannel." My North Highland tweed is also a specialty, from the north of the UK (I can't remember whether it is from Scotland or England). Are their other regional fabrics? How about garments peculiar to various regions? We all discuss the Neopolitan shoulder, the Roman chest, but how about the Tuscan Marrema jacket (I know Alden knew of a tailor who specializes in this garment and it was discussed briefly)? And are there materials or garments special to each of the Italian provinces?

Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:16 am

There are several regional dresses that now are not used any more. But few have gone international or have persisted.

There is "Tabarro", that is a long mantle, especially used in the north east of Italy:

There is the Maremmana we have discussed in the old LL, a hunting coat used in Toscana.

There are several ones that are used in the apline regions.

I have to say that not many are of a particular interest, if not the couple that I have mentioned above. UK has been more a source for men wear then Italy.


Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:33 am

Puccini wrote a very gory 1 act opera about the Tabaro, whose baritone and tenor arias I like very much (as well as the conclusion).
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