This sort of thing :

Today I took the plunge and visited the venerable Mr P, my tailor, to explain myself, or at least to try.
He is a great enthusiast for Dugdales cloths and their Saxony bunch (144?) has a very attractive - to my eye - small blue and grey windowpane on an olive background. We went through the necessary features fairly quickly not least because I rarely depart from my 'usual' 2B-SB centre vent, but on asking for patch pockets x3, he gave me a serious look and politely enquired "are you sure?" which did make me rather laugh out aloud. He explained that no-one had asked him for PP's since about the 70's and even then they were regarded as being a bit old fashioned.
I have to say for my part, I really hadn't given them much thought until lately, but I do think they are attractive not least because they don't really interrupt the silhouette in quite the way that some pocket flaps can.
Id be interested to know if anyone has had a similar response from a tailor. I have to say I really am looking forward to the end result but have been advised that I can change my mind after the first fitting!