vancehn wrote:Gentlemen, this is my very first post
...or second
- but most welcome, for the first time!
vancehn wrote:Last one who thought he could vent his (unasked for) opinion was 3 years ago, and as things go in my neck of the woods: he has disappeared from view.
What a shame... If you need a new one, I could volunteer!
vancehn wrote:I shocked one of my correspondents by writing him that my next project is going to be a marine frock-coat. His first reaction was to inquire where I would wear it.
I suppose your correspondent knows little about computer work
Seriously, though, consistency is, indeed, (the) key, as you write. I remember a phrase Michael once coined - the dressing yo-yo: up for work, down for play. It just doesn't work that way. You are who you are. Of course you won't actually be wearing the same clothes for work and for play, but the style of dress, the way you put things together is the constant: not because you look for it, but because you FEEL it. You don't think about it, you just follow it. It is neither classical canons nor avant-garde fashion that should dictate how we dress: it is our own sensibility. And THAT is a constant... considered over a limited span of time