In defence of electric shavers

What you always wanted to know about Elegance, but were afraid to ask!
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Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:02 pm

The thread about electric shavers got de-railed into advice about wet shaving. Electric shavers have their place. As a junior hospital doctor , I turned electric 30 years ago as I was accommodated in unsalubrious quarters and was perpetually in a hurry. It quickly became apparrent that I looked better in a non-sanguinous state having used the electric than when I'd experienced the Cold Steel and the Badger (to quote Tony Hancock) . When I had time to enjoy a wet shave, the result was obviously better but It became apparrent that the only person impressed was me- the electric was a top of the range Braun one though. Don't diss the Electric .. whoever heard anyone speak admiringly of a man saying " He's amazing/gorgeous/desirable ..he's SO close-shaven!!"
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Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:13 pm

whoever heard anyone speak admiringly of a man saying " He's amazing/gorgeous/desirable ..he's SO close-shaven!"
I have heard it said,
"SO close-shaven!"
....I couldn't quite hear the other words but I feel sure that they were implied! :wink: Having said that, after my first attempt with a shavette, I'm not a pretty sight!
Frederic Leighton
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Mon May 05, 2014 9:26 pm

Few weeks ago, Saturday 10am. Heading to The Button Queen, I walked past a man in a nice French-blue suit. He was walking fast and shaving at the same time. That's when I first thought London (or French-blue suits) might be noxious on the long term.
Edward Bainbridge
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Tue May 06, 2014 8:23 am

It very much depends on your stubbles' way of growth. For (not to!) some people, it doesn't make much of a difference whether they go electric or wet, for others, it does.

The real problem for people with difficult hairs is that you can get a good, close shave (leaving aside the problem of dark hairs showing through some people's skin - unsolvable unless you take the roots out or put on heavy make-up), but after a few hours hell starts. Electric shavers and multi-blade razors tend to pull the whiskers out, sharpen them and let them snap back under your skin to grow somewhere. Best shave you can get, for example if you're on a first date (or even more so, on a third, in the American ritual) and won't see her for three or four days afterwards, and worth while if you're about to be knighted. Otherwise, a single blade aptly used with the grain will get you smooth as a baby's behind with the grain even if you're still a hedgehog if you're stroking your cheek with your hand against it. (My son's words, not mine.)
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Tue May 06, 2014 3:56 pm

Edward Bainbridge wrote:...for example if you're on a first date (or even more so, on a third, in the American ritual) ...
This brought back memories... The perfunctory "not on the first date" which gave rise to rapid consecutive dates when there was a strong consensus for, ah, further interest.
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