Antoniou or Sims & MacDonald vs the Georges

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:48 pm

I went to visit Christos Antoniou this afternoon. His starting price is £850, with all the minimum requirements met (full canvass, horn buttons, handsewn buttonholes). He offers two fittings, one at baste stage and one at forward stage, plus a check of the finished garment with alterations if necessary. The process takes 4-5 weeks to complete.

I examined a couple of garments (one baste, one forward, and a closer inspection of a finished suit). The quality of his work is definitely very good, a little 'heavier' and less supple in the chest than a garment from the Row, but more than acceptable for the price.

I had previously seen something in the Dugdale Town Classics book (9406 - dark blue PoW with a red overcheck), and asked if he could suggest anything similar. For the standard price, he suggested the Lear, Browne & Dunsford / Harrisons 'Oyster' book (13oz) which had a suitable swatch. When asked for something even heavier out of interest, he produced the Pederson & Becker Universal book which goes up to 20oz.

Having visited a couple of other tailors in recent weeks, I came away feeling impressed in comparison. It's obvious where the costs have been cut (the location and size of his workroom), but he's approachable and seems to do a good job.

Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:39 pm

simonc wrote:I examined a couple of garments (one baste, one forward, and a closer inspection of a finished suit). The quality of his work is definitely very good, a little 'heavier' and less supple in the chest than a garment from the Row, but more than acceptable for the price.
After reading this thread Christos Antoniou sounds very good for the price. While I like seeing fancy places, because the place is fancy doesn't mean the garments are good or bad. A tailors shop with marble walls and fancy funiture and the ceiling painted like the Sistine Chapel ceiling would certainly add unnecessarily to the cost of each garment. Some people like fancy shops, but.....

You can ask about a more supple chest, which would probably make a lighter garment. What you see that he made for others doesn't mean that yours has to be like those, unless that is all he knows. You can ask. You can't judge a person by a few or even a lot, because, who knows what he has made over the years.
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Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:57 pm

Back in June YoungLawyer posted an urgent request for recommendations for a tailor to alter a tailcoat (Sartorial Crisis; London). He subsequently gave a very high report of the results carried out by Christos Antoniou in only four hours at a cost of £60. Costi suggested a pair of trousers would be a good commission as a bespoke project from Mr Antoniou.

At the time I too needed some alteration work done and after a successful first experience with Mr Antoniou have used him several times since. His work has always been very good and his advise equally sound.

Takings Costi's, as ever, judicious advise I have now had the first pair of trousers made and am extremely pleased with them (hopefully pictures to follow)

judge holden's observations are accurate and pertinent in that Mr Antoniou is pleasant, accomodating and competent. True his shop is not SR decor and interuptions from other customers can be a little irksome (especially as it is obvious some do not realise their vague requests are well below his skill level).

After a visit to Mr Antoniou simonc has, in his own words, come away feeling impressed and it would be interesting to know details of any future commissions with Mr Antoniou.
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Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:39 pm

Snapper, I'm glad my suggestion yielded such good results for you - I liked my current tailor's trousers so much after I test-ordered the first pair that I kept on ordering only trousers for a while, until the tailor (who knew who was making my coats at the time) told me once pulling at my imperfectly pitched sleeve: "So you're keeping ME as a trouser maker..." :) It didn't take me long to complete the conversion: a man with such a theatrical sense for the most effective time and way of placing a line surely couldn't be a bad judge of proportions and relations (which is, after all, the essence of tailoring). As for his workshop, I have seen hotel bathrooms that were roomier, but it's not a "tailoring house" - it's like one of those small, unpretentious bars with three tables out on a side street in a southern Italy town where you may have a thimbleful of espresso with a flavour and aroma impossible to get in the best restaurant in town. Good luck!
judge holden
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Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:40 pm

Since there haven't been any photos posted here yet of any of Mr Antoniou's suits, I thought it could be useful to post an example. This is a blue PoW check. Apologies for the poor quality of the photo and yes, I am aware of the missing shirt cuff on the left arm. It is the shirt that has shrunk, not the sleeve of the suit;-)
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Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:37 pm

judge holden wrote:Since there haven't been any photos posted here yet of any of Mr Antoniou's suits, I thought it could be useful to post an example. This is a blue PoW check. Apologies for the poor quality of the photo and yes, I am aware of the missing shirt cuff on the left arm. It is the shirt that has shrunk, not the sleeve of the suit;-)
Thank you for the picture. Would you say Mr Antoniou delivered what you asked for / wanted? I ask in part because I would make some different styling decisions and am trying to understand to what extent the suit represents what he would make unguided versus what you asked for.
judge holden
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Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:04 pm

simonc wrote: Thank you for the picture. Would you say Mr Antoniou delivered what you asked for / wanted? I ask in part because I would make some different styling decisions and am trying to understand to what extent the suit represents what he would make unguided versus what you asked for.
Well, I suppose that depends on what you include in 'styling decisions'. This suit basically represents all that I wanted, i.e. three button SB, not too much padding in the shoulders, waisted jacket but not overly, turn-ups on the trousers, relatively narrow trouser bottoms (8 inch), etc. What I for instance did not specify was the width of the lapels. I think that if you order a 3B SB jacket from him it will look more or less like this.
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Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:51 pm

judge holden wrote:relatively narrow trouser bottoms (8 inch), etc.
You nailed it - the trousers are a lot leaner than I'd normally choose, it's good to know his house style is likely to be fuller. Thank you.
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