The shirtmaking, follows the usual protocol. Vittorio cuts and fits, and Raffaello, also a shirtmaker, helped with measurements, as well as English. There is an ample inventory of shirting cloths from the usual mills. They have a very large swatch box of Bonfanti, with some cloths I had not seen before, e.g. Bonfanti's 'Soho.' There were several tryons, and pinnings from the try ons, and then the first shirt cut, and fit. There is a paper pattern, and the work is done 'upstairs' with several ladies dutifully working. The usual options of handmade or machine buttonholes, and so on. Pleasantly, there is no minimum, and minimal upcharge for the more expensive Bonfanti cloths, e.g. cotton-linen blends. Parcels were awaiting dispatch to Frankfurt and Holland. Very nice people, very accomodating given my limited time in Perugia. I await the finishing of the first shirt, then laundering, etc. I am cautiously optimistic.
Rafaello would be the guy to speak with for English. email is not their first choice for communications.