Suede wholecuts?

What you always wanted to know about Elegance, but were afraid to ask!
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Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:22 am

Nobody makes suede wholecuts. Why?

More generally, where does one get a plain suede shoe on a proper city last (ie not the usual slim derby/blucher, also known as Yankee wholecut, but which isn't a wholecut)?

Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:06 pm

well, not shoes but boots: go for R.M.Williams Craftsman Suede boots. Shoe upper is made out of one piece of leather with only one seam at the heel.

these boots look very good with a suit or casual wear as well.


Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:43 pm

I would not be so categorical, i have a RTW buck skin wholecut by Enzo Bonafe, a well known Bologna family based shoemaker. But Uk based makers such as C&J, Edward Green and George Cleverley wold make you a pair I would assume within their MTO program. Take the EG Newbury, C&J Weymouth or GC (semiorder) 62

Here are a couple of pictures of my EB
Image Image Image

The last is not exactly a "London city" last but I like it, even though I have a penchant for EG's 202 & 606 lasts ...


Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:05 pm

Please pardon the rash spelling in my previous post....

I would like to ad that Gaziano & Girling have a nice whole cut to, they may well make their Astaire in buckskin to.

As for Chelsea boots, the a fore mentioned RMW is one, JM Weston and Gaziano & Girling are two other options.

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