May I repectfully submit a suggestion

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:55 am

I realise that I am new to the Lounge and hope members do not find this post too presumptious, however I have never been backward in coming forward as those who know me well would attest.

I am of course aware of the main purpose and mission of the LL and I fully support it, However I enjoyed reading the thread about Governer Palin. In this thread it was mentioned several times (quite rightly) that such discussion was not really what the Lounge was for. This set me to thinking, would it be possible for Mr Alden to set up another room in which discussion on any non sartorial matters of the moment could take place between members?

I realise that in here things may get a little more contentious than say whether to put cuffs on suits (valid though that question is!). However as I have already remarked the standards of courtesy and politeness are higher here than any forum I have ever visited on the net so I see no reason why standards should not be maintained.

Just a thought, I would be interested to know the thoughts of others.
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Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:26 am

A respectable suggestion, but I fear that this is a dangerous path to tread. This forum was created to celebrate the sartorial arts; this is a special place with a good reputation and I am sure that we would not want it tarnished. To branch out into these other matters carries this risk. As I suggested in the other thread, the best thing is probably for someone to set up some other forum, similar in atmosphere to the Lounge (requiring approvals of registration, etc - to keep the nitwits out) but not necessarily associated with it.
Frog in Suit
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:48 am

pvpatty wrote:A respectable suggestion, but I fear that this is a dangerous path to tread. This forum was created to celebrate the sartorial arts; this is a special place with a good reputation and I am sure that we would not want it tarnished. To branch out into these other matters carries this risk. As I suggested in the other thread, the best thing is probably for someone to set up some other forum, similar in atmosphere to the Lounge (requiring approvals of registration, etc - to keep the nitwits out) but not necessarily associated with it.
I agree. When I see the utter and pernicious nonsense that is aggressively spewed on some of those other "general discussion" fora, my blood boils and I am tempted to forgive my manners (Moi!! :evil:). In polite society, one avoids touchy subjects, even more so on the internet, because of the difficulty in perceiving nuance. People here have good manners. Let us not strain everyone's self control with pointless controversy.

Frog in Suit
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Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:06 am

Frog in Suit wrote:When I see the utter and pernicious nonsense that is aggressively spewed on some of those other "general discussion" fora, my blood boils and I am tempted to forgive my manners (Moi!! :evil:). In polite society, one avoids touchy subjects, even more so on the internet, because of the difficulty in perceiving nuance. People here have good manners. Let us not strain everyone's self control with pointless controversy.

Frog in Suit
Indeed. The Lounge is unique in that it specifically does not have one of these sections like almost all other forums do. I have no doubt that this was a conscious decision made by Mr Alden to avoid discussion being sidetracked and having the Lounge degenerate into nonsense like many of the other fora. The same goes with not allowing avatars and that sort of thing.

If there is sufficient interest I am happy to start up another forum, divorced from the Lounge, for people to debate ancillary matters. The proviso (bold, underlined and in italics) of course is that any disagreement there should never be carried over to here. That being said though, I like things the way that they are.
Bishop of Briggs
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:11 am

Setting up such a forum would be dangerous and would require almost constant moderation. A classic example is the Interchange on AAAC where the discussions on the Presidential election are hardly intellectual.
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:16 am


thank you for your replies and I take them all on board, I fear you are right and perhaps it would be best to keep this place an oasis of calm where other such matters are parked at the door.
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Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:36 am

OldBill wrote:Gentlemen,

thank you for your replies and I take them all on board, I fear you are right and perhaps it would be best to keep this place an oasis of calm where other such matters are parked at the door.
"Oasis" is a good term for it. The rest of our lives are filled with this claptrap, let's keep this place pure while we can!
Frog in Suit
Posts: 452
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:33 am

pvpatty wrote:
"Oasis" is a good term for it. The rest of our lives are filled with this claptrap, let's keep this place pure while we can!
Amen to that!

Frog in Suit
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Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:26 pm

NO. there are many places in which the politics of so many countries, cities, towns and villages may be discussed. There is absolutely no need whatever and even less desirability in LL providing such a place. In fact Mr Alden should set forth forth that such matters be not discussed here upon pain of exclusion.

AS a new comer please learn, remember and in future count to 50,000 before making such a suggestion again.
Posts: 623
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Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:43 pm

Frog in Suit wrote:
pvpatty wrote:
"Oasis" is a good term for it. The rest of our lives are filled with this claptrap, let's keep this place pure while we can!
Amen to that!

Frog in Suit

Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:00 am

marcelo wrote:
Frog in Suit wrote:
pvpatty wrote:
"Oasis" is a good term for it. The rest of our lives are filled with this claptrap, let's keep this place pure while we can!
Amen to that!

Frog in Suit
I agree; although, maybe, we should probably feel free to make remarks which are historical, philosophical or socially critical, without fear of censure: with party politics I have no time whatsoever.
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Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:57 am

Given the ample participation in the Gov. Palin thread I am not sure whether the refusal of such an idea is out of disgust for such topics or because it would constitute too much of a temptation. In either case I agree we are better off without it, with NJS's sensible ammendment above. The idea is to encourage debate but avoid controversy. We are all quite different indivduals here, most with strong views and opinions and we managed to find common ground in the LL. It is just too easy to find what sets us appart from each other.
Posts: 442
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Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:39 am

Gentlemen, I totally agree with everyone that business, politics, religion and sex should not be dealt with in such a wonderful forum.

However, perhaps there are some matters though related to those subjects which are of relevance to LLoungers.

For example, as part of a discussion on etiquette, we might wish to dwell on how to double speak in a gentlemanly way because let us say the vulgar masses otherwise cannot feel someone who needs their support deserve their vote. The issue would not be the subject matter itself, but the gentlemanly skill of oratory and public debate.
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Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:09 am

OldBill wrote:I realise that I am new to the Lounge and hope members do not find this post too presumptious, however I have never been backward in coming forward as those who know me well would attest.

I am of course aware of the main purpose and mission of the LL and I fully support it, However I enjoyed reading the thread about Governer Palin. In this thread it was mentioned several times (quite rightly) that such discussion was not really what the Lounge was for. This set me to thinking, would it be possible for Mr Alden to set up another room in which discussion on any non sartorial matters of the moment could take place between members?

I realise that in here things may get a little more contentious than say whether to put cuffs on suits (valid though that question is!). However as I have already remarked the standards of courtesy and politeness are higher here than any forum I have ever visited on the net so I see no reason why standards should not be maintained.
Just a thought, I would be interested to know the thoughts of others.
Let not be hypocrites! I can find a lot of threads and posts in which we indulged in discussions about the world we live in (in fact the LL manifesto is about the world we live in!). I do not see why we cannot, keeping the usual polite and gentlemanly tone that we use, to discuss things that may, in a certain sense, influence our indulged passion for an elegant life! Think just globalization and WTO, it had already influenced the way we position ourselves in the sartorial world - is not the LL artisan project a reaction to the over growing pressure from industrial, cheap made, east - asian garment sold with prestigious (or perceived as) labels. Didn't we discuss patterns of over consumption in our contemporary society when we discussed fabric weights? Sartorial habits are social habits, not only a matter of taste and aesthetics, they are driven by the societal image about what a person should be, not about what he/she is really (I can go for a long length about colors and sartorial tabu-s).
I personally think that it will be at least an exercise in restraint and good manners, things that are paramount to a gentleman, more than his suit's cut !
Frog in Suit
Posts: 452
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Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:46 am

koolhistorian wrote:
OldBill wrote:I realise that I am new to the Lounge and hope members do not find this post too presumptious, however I have never been backward in coming forward as those who know me well would attest.

I am of course aware of the main purpose and mission of the LL and I fully support it, However I enjoyed reading the thread about Governer Palin. In this thread it was mentioned several times (quite rightly) that such discussion was not really what the Lounge was for. This set me to thinking, would it be possible for Mr Alden to set up another room in which discussion on any non sartorial matters of the moment could take place between members?

I realise that in here things may get a little more contentious than say whether to put cuffs on suits (valid though that question is!). However as I have already remarked the standards of courtesy and politeness are higher here than any forum I have ever visited on the net so I see no reason why standards should not be maintained.
Just a thought, I would be interested to know the thoughts of others.
Let not be hypocrites! I can find a lot of threads and posts in which we indulged in discussions about the world we live in (in fact the LL manifesto is about the world we live in!). I do not see why we cannot, keeping the usual polite and gentlemanly tone that we use, to discuss things that may, in a certain sense, influence our indulged passion for an elegant life! Think just globalization and WTO, it had already influenced the way we position ourselves in the sartorial world - is not the LL artisan project a reaction to the over growing pressure from industrial, cheap made, east - asian garment sold with prestigious (or perceived as) labels. Didn't we discuss patterns of over consumption in our contemporary society when we discussed fabric weights? Sartorial habits are social habits, not only a matter of taste and aesthetics, they are driven by the societal image about what a person should be, not about what he/she is really (I can go for a long length about colors and sartorial tabu-s).
I personally think that it will be at least an exercise in restraint and good manners, things that are paramount to a gentleman, more than his suit's cut !
There is a wide and deep gap between discussing the economics of bespoke v. mass production on the one hand and political issues on the other hand. I have occasionally visited the "general dicussion" fora on other sites and I find that they serve as an outlet for the ignorant rantings of extremists who are so set in their opinions, and so unrestrained about expressing them, that the idea of making them listen, much less be open to change, soon becomes ludicrous. I very much fear that opening a separate forum here would only attract those people at the risk of chasing away the "regulars". I do not see any counter-balancing benefit. Why not continue as now, with conversation naturally veering into economics/social issues when warranted?

Frog in Suit
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