Morning coat pattern?

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Sat May 05, 2007 4:09 pm

As a longtime lurker, I now have a question that seems unanswerable by laymen, so I turn to you, the experts: where can one procure a sewing pattern for a morning coat? I didn't think it would be so difficult to find, but I've been to sewing shops in the US (where I live) and have looked all over the web (,, UK sewing sites...) and have been unable to find such a thing. How odd.

The reason for needing it is that my fiance wants to have his mother (an excellent seamstress with three decades of experience) make him one for our wedding. Even if he didn't want his mom to make it, purchasing one ready-made would not be an option for two reasons: (1) he wants it to be dark chocolate brown, as opposed to grey or black (this will be worn with light brown trousers, much as a black morning coat is worn with grey trousers); and (2) he's 6' tall but only 9 stone--built like Fred Astaire, in other words--so it's exceedingly difficult to find clothing for him, and morning coats are hard to find in the US in any event. As for bespoke, he had a bespoke suit made by an Italian tailor, but this tailor has now died (he was nearly 90) and we are not in an area where good tailors are readily found.

Any thoughts? Help? Advice? Obviously we are willing to pay for a pattern--the problem seems to be simply finding one at all!

Sorry to post this twice, but I'm not sure where it belongs.
Martin Stall
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:08 pm
Location: Costa Tropical, Spain

Sat Jun 23, 2007 9:42 pm

Hi, and welcome

Actually, it isn't so strange that you can't find a pattern on the web: Such things are the result of generations of study and development, hence a pattern is worth a lot of money, and even more so because one who knows how to use it can use it to make a lot of money. So it kind of makes sense that it isn't just posted all over the web. Those who have a GOOD pattern (which not all of them are...!) you will not just want to part with it like that. Besides, it's all copyrighted material, you know?

Another thing is that having a pattern for a morning coat, or even a regular jacket or trousers, means nothing whatsoever, if the person making the garment doesn't understand the patter or how to use it! Making a morning coat is advanced tailoring, not a job for your average seamstress. (nothing wrong with seamstresses, but to make a good morning coat, one should be well beyond average!)
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