Savile Row turns away customers

What you always wanted to know about Elegance, but were afraid to ask!
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Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:51 pm

I have a friend who lived in London working as a Director for their tram system, and he told he that he went to Savile Row, and was turned away by armed guards without entrance to one of the stores. Is this true, are there armed guards at the Row, who tell people that they have no business in those stores?

Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:02 pm

Strange, I never saw any. Having said that, I would respect a tailor who says he is not the right match for a particular client. That is not rudeness, but wisdom and generosity.

Obviously, Savile Row tailors have a certain ambience, after all that is waht the Row is all about, and somebody who genuinely set about upsetting it (imagine Rock musicians) might be politely asked to leave. Still, the Row is far more accomodating than most would think!
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