Our one shot Bond is dressed in a A Sinclair DB. This style coat was also a favorite of the Duke of Windsor. It is very maritime and makes a lovely yachting jacket. If you have the yacht, you might as well have the jacket, right?
I was asked by a member to post a picture of this kind of DB. In the examples, Lazenby wears the coat with all six buttoned when the best way to wear it would be with the first top row button undone and rolled to display a bit of the buttonhole as in a SB 3 rolled to 2.
I am not, as you would imagine, too entusiastic at all about the slanted, double pockets used in this example. Hacking jacket styled pockets absolutelty do not belong on this kind of jacket and makes a very Charlie statement when done so. Patch or plain flapped pockets would be the best choice here.