A three nations bespoke conversation
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:34 am
I often have the chance in Paris to enjoy a fine cigar or pipe with a few gentlemen in the clothes trade in an exclusive shop on the rue Marbeuf not far from the Berluti store.
Monsieur P who owns and operates a shop on the famed rue is an authority on French bespoke custom tailoring: its fine history and sordid present. He also has the good taste to possess an impressive collection (over 500) of antique and modern hand made English pipes, the majority of which are signed “Dunhill.”
Signore R is a Roman, who has an important clothes business in Italy and in Paris. He spends much of his time between these two cities.
I thought you might enjoy sitting in on one of our conversations because they do reveal the sensibilities of three similar and yet diverse approaches to dress. It always strikes me that representing the English or Anglo-Saxon side of the argument in the face of these two Latins can be a bit of a challenge.
Here is the first installment:
Rue Marbeuf
P: I had a chance to go to Savile Row the other day, Michael, I have to say that the finish of the coats I saw there was awful. Most of the interiors work is by machine, even lapels and front quarters are machine sewn. How is it that there are industrial MTM and RTW makers that can finish clothes better than tailors in the UK these days? Brioni, St. Andrews, Kiton finish clothes in a way that your tailors cannot match.
A: I don’t deny a word of what you say. It is a shame that tailors at this level employ the machine as much as they do, especially given the prices they are asking and the marketing they deploy. But on a general note, the English customer has always been less fussy about the finish of clothes because he tends to be less “clothes” and more “dressing” focused. What matters most to a dresser is good cut and fit. If the clothes fit they will be comfortable and easy to wear. That is what matters.
P: And Windsor, his clothes were not finished well? The English makers of the past made beautiful clothes!
A. Not really. Having inspected many garments worn by Windsor I can say that fundamentally they are of the same finish and quality as those sold today by the better houses and top independents. I suppose its safe to say that the Duke’s English tailors never intended to produce beautiful clothes in the way you mean. They were more inclined to favor comfort and fit over pure aesthetics. The quality of the cloth used in those days was superior to that used today and that made the works more pleasing to the eye.
R: But aesthetics are everything. Here is something I do not understand about the English. Why do we spend the time to go to bespoke if not for aesthetics? The tailor should transform his customer, that is his essential talent and value. If I put on a coat and look exactly as I do normally, then I am wasting my time and money. The tailor has to make me look better not feel better. I could give a hoot about comfort, give me style! If heads don’t spin around when I walk down the street, then I am not well dressed! That’s my reply to your Lord Brummell.
A. The suit you are wearing is very nice, are you transformed because the tailor has made an effort to hide the extra kilos around your middle, that are not really hidden at all. Do you not see that the trying, the effort expended to hide those kilos is visible. Can you spot a toupee covering a bald spot?
R: I feel good in this suit even if it is a bit tight now. OK I am not tall and slim, but a tall man’s suit does not need to change or enhance his figure so maybe he can be content with comfort, but I do need some help. If I had to live all the time with English food maybe I will never be tempted to put on the kilos, but in Rome we eat very well…
A: Sicily is even more disastrous to one’s figure, but that’s a different subject. But it is not the coat that will transform you as you intend, but the way you wear the coat, the way you dress. If you accept to be of heavy stature that is fine, don’t cover it up. You have a fine Roman head of hair. If you were bald, would you wear that toupee? I expect not. Hiding your physical flaws accentuates and amplifies them. It draws our eyes attention directly to them. The only way for your clothes to be aesthetically pleasing is for you to be aesthetically pleasing. So change yourself, or forget aesthetics; and if you do not have the figure of David, what are you going to do?
R: All men want to look as good as they can look.
A: Do you wish to be beautiful or elegant?
R: And P’s comment is right, a coat should look sartorial as well. If it looks like a normal coat who will know you have been to the tailor? It might just as well have come from a shop! Here the Italians are the very best, the hand work we can deploy is second to none.
P: Give us style in a form that is aesthetically pleasing. Its fine to talk about clothes that feel sartorial, but they need to look sartorial as well. The French tailors of the past made the most beautiful clothes. They surpassed even the Italians, my dear R, in their detail work and hand stitching; Italian dandies like Gabriele d’Annunzio came to Paris for their clothes after all. Take a look at the work of Camps, Rousseau, Urban or those of Marc Deluca’s father if you want to see beautiful tailoring.
A: You won’t have an argument from me. The handwork and finish of the tailors you mention is superb. But by focusing once again on finish you are missing the forest for the trees. The point is dress. The finish of the clothes you mention were fit for a king, but did they fit? If they did not fit, what is the purpose of the exquisite finishing?
P: Well they would have fit quite well back then. The problem today in France is the lack of skilled cutters. In order for clothes to fit, they have to be cut by experienced hands. These things you cannot learn in just a few days or even years. Since we don’t have the talented cutting hands anymore, we have to give customers what we have to give: fine finishing.
A: Very true, and yet the whole point of bespoke is to benefit from such experience to the extent that it exists today. Great finishing and aesthetics will only take you so far, the client will soon be feel deceived if his beautiful clothes do not fit him.
P: So we offer him what we can offer, great RTW clothes made to look like the work of tailors.
R: Well we still have some good hands in Italy, but they are vanishing everyday. The market turned along time ago towards artificially sweetened RTW, the customers today don’t even notice the difference. Why seek the ultimate in bespoke when the clients won’t even appreciate or recognize it?
A: Well the first thing to do would to be to agree what the ultimate bespoke product would be. If we triangulate from our respective sartorial traditions, we would imagine that the ideal bespoke garment should fit well, be comfortable, it should be aesthetically pleasing and exquisitely finished. The strong points of each of our traditions rolled into one.
P: But such a rarefied thing barely existed even in the hey day of the bespoke, so how could we make it today?
(to be continued)
Monsieur P who owns and operates a shop on the famed rue is an authority on French bespoke custom tailoring: its fine history and sordid present. He also has the good taste to possess an impressive collection (over 500) of antique and modern hand made English pipes, the majority of which are signed “Dunhill.”
Signore R is a Roman, who has an important clothes business in Italy and in Paris. He spends much of his time between these two cities.
I thought you might enjoy sitting in on one of our conversations because they do reveal the sensibilities of three similar and yet diverse approaches to dress. It always strikes me that representing the English or Anglo-Saxon side of the argument in the face of these two Latins can be a bit of a challenge.
Here is the first installment:
Rue Marbeuf
P: I had a chance to go to Savile Row the other day, Michael, I have to say that the finish of the coats I saw there was awful. Most of the interiors work is by machine, even lapels and front quarters are machine sewn. How is it that there are industrial MTM and RTW makers that can finish clothes better than tailors in the UK these days? Brioni, St. Andrews, Kiton finish clothes in a way that your tailors cannot match.
A: I don’t deny a word of what you say. It is a shame that tailors at this level employ the machine as much as they do, especially given the prices they are asking and the marketing they deploy. But on a general note, the English customer has always been less fussy about the finish of clothes because he tends to be less “clothes” and more “dressing” focused. What matters most to a dresser is good cut and fit. If the clothes fit they will be comfortable and easy to wear. That is what matters.
P: And Windsor, his clothes were not finished well? The English makers of the past made beautiful clothes!
A. Not really. Having inspected many garments worn by Windsor I can say that fundamentally they are of the same finish and quality as those sold today by the better houses and top independents. I suppose its safe to say that the Duke’s English tailors never intended to produce beautiful clothes in the way you mean. They were more inclined to favor comfort and fit over pure aesthetics. The quality of the cloth used in those days was superior to that used today and that made the works more pleasing to the eye.
R: But aesthetics are everything. Here is something I do not understand about the English. Why do we spend the time to go to bespoke if not for aesthetics? The tailor should transform his customer, that is his essential talent and value. If I put on a coat and look exactly as I do normally, then I am wasting my time and money. The tailor has to make me look better not feel better. I could give a hoot about comfort, give me style! If heads don’t spin around when I walk down the street, then I am not well dressed! That’s my reply to your Lord Brummell.
A. The suit you are wearing is very nice, are you transformed because the tailor has made an effort to hide the extra kilos around your middle, that are not really hidden at all. Do you not see that the trying, the effort expended to hide those kilos is visible. Can you spot a toupee covering a bald spot?
R: I feel good in this suit even if it is a bit tight now. OK I am not tall and slim, but a tall man’s suit does not need to change or enhance his figure so maybe he can be content with comfort, but I do need some help. If I had to live all the time with English food maybe I will never be tempted to put on the kilos, but in Rome we eat very well…
A: Sicily is even more disastrous to one’s figure, but that’s a different subject. But it is not the coat that will transform you as you intend, but the way you wear the coat, the way you dress. If you accept to be of heavy stature that is fine, don’t cover it up. You have a fine Roman head of hair. If you were bald, would you wear that toupee? I expect not. Hiding your physical flaws accentuates and amplifies them. It draws our eyes attention directly to them. The only way for your clothes to be aesthetically pleasing is for you to be aesthetically pleasing. So change yourself, or forget aesthetics; and if you do not have the figure of David, what are you going to do?
R: All men want to look as good as they can look.
A: Do you wish to be beautiful or elegant?
R: And P’s comment is right, a coat should look sartorial as well. If it looks like a normal coat who will know you have been to the tailor? It might just as well have come from a shop! Here the Italians are the very best, the hand work we can deploy is second to none.
P: Give us style in a form that is aesthetically pleasing. Its fine to talk about clothes that feel sartorial, but they need to look sartorial as well. The French tailors of the past made the most beautiful clothes. They surpassed even the Italians, my dear R, in their detail work and hand stitching; Italian dandies like Gabriele d’Annunzio came to Paris for their clothes after all. Take a look at the work of Camps, Rousseau, Urban or those of Marc Deluca’s father if you want to see beautiful tailoring.
A: You won’t have an argument from me. The handwork and finish of the tailors you mention is superb. But by focusing once again on finish you are missing the forest for the trees. The point is dress. The finish of the clothes you mention were fit for a king, but did they fit? If they did not fit, what is the purpose of the exquisite finishing?
P: Well they would have fit quite well back then. The problem today in France is the lack of skilled cutters. In order for clothes to fit, they have to be cut by experienced hands. These things you cannot learn in just a few days or even years. Since we don’t have the talented cutting hands anymore, we have to give customers what we have to give: fine finishing.
A: Very true, and yet the whole point of bespoke is to benefit from such experience to the extent that it exists today. Great finishing and aesthetics will only take you so far, the client will soon be feel deceived if his beautiful clothes do not fit him.
P: So we offer him what we can offer, great RTW clothes made to look like the work of tailors.
R: Well we still have some good hands in Italy, but they are vanishing everyday. The market turned along time ago towards artificially sweetened RTW, the customers today don’t even notice the difference. Why seek the ultimate in bespoke when the clients won’t even appreciate or recognize it?
A: Well the first thing to do would to be to agree what the ultimate bespoke product would be. If we triangulate from our respective sartorial traditions, we would imagine that the ideal bespoke garment should fit well, be comfortable, it should be aesthetically pleasing and exquisitely finished. The strong points of each of our traditions rolled into one.
P: But such a rarefied thing barely existed even in the hey day of the bespoke, so how could we make it today?
(to be continued)