Seduction or induction?

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Mon May 02, 2011 8:59 pm

Motivation and inspiration are the two great drives in our lives. They are equally important: we cannot cross the street on inspiration and we shouldn’t love on motivation. We should be able to switch between them naturally, but modern man is so obsessed with control that he tends to absolutize motivation these days, which is probably why we have such a hard time finding (not creating) our Style.
Inspiration works through induction. Motivation works through seduction.
A softly tailored gray flannel suit can be pure inspiration on the right person. It works gently on those around, inducing a state of indulgent grace. It is not trying to prove anything. It is unobtrusive, but not unremarkable.
The black power suit is backed by clear, focused motivation. It works (if it does!) by imposing itself on those around and seducing them. It aims to control. It calls for submission.
If you must submit to anything, submit to inspiration!
Like attracts like: some flowers secrete sweet nectar to seduce motivated busy bees, others rely on beautiful colours to inspire a butterfly to rest on their petals and polinate; others yet attract a buzzing fly :)
Inspiration is “breathing in”, it connects us with the environment, while motivation is contained within the self. If our bodies are what we eat, our spirits are what we “inspire”. And now…

Gentle breath of yours my sails
must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was to please.[...]

Tue May 03, 2011 6:32 pm

Costi wrote:Motivation and inspiration are the two great drives in our lives. They are equally important: we cannot cross the street on inspiration and we shouldn’t love on motivation.
I have a hard time imagening inspiration and motivation as opposites. Isn't so that inspiration trickers motivation? I would think that rational action and emotional action would be a better couple?
We should be able to switch between them naturally, but modern man is so obsessed with control that he tends to absolutize motivation these days, which is probably why we have such a hard time finding (not creating) our Style.
Well put. Control kills style, c.f. Hans Christian Andersen's the Nightingale.
The black power suit is backed by clear, focused motivation. It works (if it does!) by imposing itself on those around and seducing them. It aims to control. It calls for submission.
If you must submit to anything, submit to inspiration!
Yes, inspiration, not rules :D
Posts: 2963
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2005 6:29 pm
Location: Switzerland

Tue May 03, 2011 7:44 pm

Gruto wrote:c.f. Hans Christian Andersen's the Nightingale.
Argh, you're breaking my heart! :)

Motivation is human, inspiration is divine. Motivation is self-contained, in that it is generated within ourselves and acts upon ourselves. Inspiration comes from outside of us, it brings a new perspective that was not inside of us already. We often don't know and can't explain how we got it - that is when it is genuine! Inspiration works through the imagination (not the phantasy of drunkards and liars, but the capacity to envision something real that is not (yet) material - in German, "Vorstellung" rather than "Einbildung").
Inspiration and motivation are not necessarily antinomes, just different realities. Inspiration triggers action, just like motivation does.
Inspiration is not in conflict with rules - wearing 18th century costume is pure phantasy, while choosing just that shade of a blue shirt with just that tie and the right coat is a matter of true imagination, without necessarily breaking any rules, but without making a point of following them slavishly, either. Because inspiration is divinely free of purpose: it is there for its own sake. It is admired, though it doesn't seek admiration. It is fascinating, though it is not trying to - thus the "induction" effect. Motivation is programatic: it has a purpose, a plan and treats objects (pieces of clothing included) as means: to seduce, to conquer, to stir, to enslave etc.
In order to be inspired in our dress, we should let go, relinquish the anguish, stop trying too hard and thinking so much about clothes. Then, grace replaces striving; soothing ease replaces visible effort; freedom replaces slavery. And freedom is not without order - it is not chaos.
While the effect of instant "seduction" wears out quickly and exposes the purpose and the means, that of "induction" is genuine, profound and long-lasting on those around us and, in turn, is a fountain of new inspiration for them.
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