Teaching style - the FT's view.

"He had that supreme elegance of being, quite simply, what he was."

-C. Albaret describing Marcel Proust

Style, chic, presence, sex appeal: whatever you call it, you can discuss it here.
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Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:58 am

Those not in receipt of the FT's Weekend edition may have missed this contribution by Robert Armstrong.

I post it hoping it might be of interest. I'm conscious that RA's views are somewhat strident on the general point of 'style advice' (he's a journalist, so nuanced prose isn't his thing : this is the chap who pronounced that wearing jeans with a blazer as a "satanic hybrid"). And I do wish he'd do his coat up in his byline pic.

He has however touched on, perhaps, why I love LL but find some other fora rather trying.

I don't think LL dispenses style advice, so much as it primarily references and discusses the tailoring craft; if someone is discussing a point of style, it is usually (and commendably) to compliment or to discuss a technical shortcoming. What other sites seem to do is to get the wisdom of the crowd to opine on whether something looks "good" or not. Time and again here I see the suggestion given that above all one should be oneself and trust one's own instincts instead of seeking validation from others. That said, the good humoured views of others are always pleasant to receive.


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