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Dressing the hand

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:14 pm
by Gruto
How should the sleeves relate to the hand? An old tailor's journal from the 1930s showes examples from tailor shops in Copenhagen. I don't know about the button stance on the second sleeve ... it's different :D :


Re: Dressing the hand

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:30 pm
by Cufflink79
I prefer four buttons on a suit, blazer, or sport coat.

I never could figure out why the number of buttons where different on jackets, now-a-days some jackets have five or more on them. :shock:

But I do own a sport coat with two buttons on the sleeve and they are kissing.

I will admit the second button stance on the second sleeve is a bit wide, and I have no idea why it would be that way.

Back in the 80's when Ronald Reagan was President, a lot of his suits had two buttons on the sleeve and were only separated just a touch, nothing like the above photo.

Brooks Brothers for a time also had two buttons on the sleeve as well and they weren't kissing, but were the same distance apart as Reagan's suit buttons.

I don't believe Reagan was a BB customer, because Brooks hasn't mentioned him on their history time line.

Best Regards,
