We were infested by moths last year. We saw them flit around, perhaps not daily, but too often for comfort.
We traced the source to some old rugs. We threw them out and vacuumed thoroughly. I then sprayed a product called “KO-cide”, which contains “Perméthrine” and “D-Tétraméthrine” (you understand this is all Greek to me, but it may mean something to the chemists among you). The can is full of terrifying warnings about flammability, “noxiousness to aquatic organisms” (We do not keep goldfish, only a cat, and I am pretty sure there is nothing “aquatic” about him.), etc…The product is to be sprayed from about a foot’s distance on to the sides and walls, and other surfaces, of the closets or rooms, not on the garments. It does not smell and does not stain. I sprayed my closet and the surrounding area, then the rest of the flat. Moths seem to have completely disappeared (unless they have mastered the art of camouflage…). The product had been recommended by our local dry cleaners. I now spray my closet every few months, the rest of the house occasionally, usually before leaving on holidays.
I shake my clothes, hang them for a day or two after each wearing, then brush them thoroughly before storing them on hangers in the original tailor’s plastic cover.
Paul Munday, at Meyer & Mortimer/Jones Chalk & Dawson, whom I consulted, told me that in their shop, they spray something (I did not ask what) every month, and shuffle the hanging garments frequently (every other week?); this disturbs the insects.
I think vacuuming often, and chemicals, are the only cure, much as I dislike the idea of chemicals in the house. But moths are EVIL
I hope this helps.
Frog in Suit