Or coat, for the traditionally minded. I don't think that much of it, even though I have a certain irrational fondness for this garment, as it was my first bespoke commission. NB: this was after two hours of driving and a long day of teaching and sitting in seminars. Also, please forgive my unrepentantly sloppy and neglige ensemble.
A couple of more dynamic (if even worse quality) pics:

I should've taken a picture of the back as well -- sorry. But I promise you that the tailor did a fairly good job on this back -- no obvious flaws there, as far as I can tell.

Not sure why the left front quarter looks longer -- perhaps my leg was moving forward, closer to the camera. Also not to sure what to think of the gorge, which is quite low by modern standards. I go for a higher gorge these days, but I still think there's something interesting about a lower gorge.
Anyway, please give me all sorts of frank feedback, if you're so inclined.