Retrocentrics' Club Emblem and Tie

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:54 pm

Some of us occasionally delve, wistfully, into the past and this has given rise to thoughts of the future possibilty of the formation (whether real or virtual) of a Retrocentrics' Club whither we might retire - and, if really - then also preferably with some good tobacco (maybe to Fox's cigar shop in St James's Street, where smoking is still permitted in their arm chairs), beneath an appropriate emblem. There was once an Eccentrics' Club (I believe not far away from there, in Ryder Street). This had the unusual distinction of a club clock, which possessed a reversed dial and hands which revolved anti-clockwise. This told the correct time - but in reverse to usual order. However, if one reversed the dial of a clock and had the hands revolving clockwise, time would, indeed, appear to reverse. It would, I am sure, be possible to bespeak such a clock and, since the Eccentrics' Club is no more, few would go beyond the surface appearance suggested by the reversed dial. This, then, leads on to the exciting possibility of a Club tie, bearing the miniature, repeated emblems of such a dial and hands; maybe alternated with open and closed opera hats and gold-topped clouded canes. I would not suggest going quite so far that we should copy Roald Dahl's Uncle Oswald (although what a template to follow), and have our own spider silk annually garnered, spun, dyed, woven and fashioned into the finished product, but nevertheless, we might be tempted to entrust the whole process to a bespoke tie maker, such as Charvet. Despite the fact that my Good Lady has just slowly walked by, suggesting that I should wear a hat when I sit on our suntrap verandah, I simply ask, before I return to the mundane tasks on which, she assures me, I should be engaged , whether any LL members would be interested in such a project?
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Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:29 pm

A pretty picture, NJS, seductively painted. I´d skip the smokes myself (despite having strong Virginian ties, I´ve no fondness for tobacco) but would watch development of the project with interest.

Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:59 am

Including 1 pms, that means that there is potential for a club of three - come on, Loungers - Bring It On!!!!!!!
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Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:21 am

Wonderful idea, count me in!

Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:12 pm

Now we're getting somewhere! Subject to the views of others, I see no reason why membership should necesssarily be limited to members of the LL but others who join the Club would probably naturally apply for membvership of the LL. By the way, I don't mean it to be a club for people who want to bring back the frock coat for daily wear - it's just for those who like the historical aspects of dress.
NJS :lol:

Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:13 pm

RWS wrote:A pretty picture, NJS, seductively painted. I´d skip the smokes myself (despite having strong Virginian ties, I´ve no fondness for tobacco) but would watch development of the project with interest.
RWS - I didn't mean that smoking was to be a primary objective and the club would be better with you in it.
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Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:23 pm

So when is our first meeting?

Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:30 pm

pvpatty - We're having it now!! I am going to write to Fox's cigar shop although when any of us meet in person, there are some who don't like smoking so we can convene elsewhere. We don't need any rules. Concordia has ideas for the designer of the tie but all suggestions are welcome.

Motto: As a motto, I suggest a slight paraphrase and adaptation of line 2 of stanza 27 of FitzGerald's 2nd edition translation of the The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: Not for those that after some tomorrow stare since this sums it up to some extent and brings an air of dignified wistfulness to what some might condemn as frivolous. Any thoughts on that?

Incidentally, I mentioned, above, that the Eccentric Club is no more but there is, apparently, a brave attempt to revive it and, since it poses no obvious threat to the LL, please see here:
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Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:31 pm

This idea is ridiculous and absurd, so I support it with enthusiasm. While a club tie would be nice, I think a rosette would be even more unnecessary and it is therefore my preference (though redundant duplication is also a worthwhile goal). I recall that RWS has some expertise in rosettes and suggest he take up that oar.

Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:52 pm

dopey wrote:This idea is ridiculous and absurd, so I support it with enthusiasm. While a club tie would be nice, I think a rosette would be even more unnecessary and it is therefore my preference (though redundant duplication is also a worthwhile goal). I recall that RWS has some expertise in rosettes and suggest he take up that oar.
Dopey - You got me with your opening - welcome aboard.
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Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:01 am

If smoking is not mandatory I hereby apply. The Fitzgerald Rubaiyat motto is perfect. And I do think dopey's idea of a rosette is absolutely brilliant (if brilliance is permitted under the club charter and bylaws). I gnash my teeth far too regularly over the general populating of buttonholes with flag pins and (shudder) corporate logos and motivational pins. I hold no decorations and often have no chance to pass a florist, so I welcome the thought of a club rosette. It would assuage my sense of sharing Groucho's apprehension about joining any club that would have him as a member. Should my application be accepted, I'd be happy to be among those whose buttonholes were illuminated by RWS.
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Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:38 am

We shall also need a suitably old world mascot. Probably something extinct.

Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:04 pm

Smoking is not mandatory - indeed, as a club without any rules, nothing is mandatory and nothing is expressly forbidden - if we just behave as friends, who needs a handbook? RWS - what about this rosette then? And pvpatty please tru to think of a mascot!!
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Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:33 pm

In thinking about mascots, I have (after a cursory glance at wikipedia) these suggestions:

-Irish Elk: "one of the largest deer that ever lived," which died out around 6000BC.
-Caucasian Moose: "a subspecies of moose found in the Caucasus Mountains of Eastern Europe."
-Caspian Tiger: "the westernmost subspecies of tiger, found in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan until it apparently became extinct in the late 1950s." A rather mean looking fellow (see below).


-Great Auk: a sort of big penguin, "found in great numbers on islands off eastern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Ireland and Great Britain before eventually being hunted to extinction."
-Quagga: a rather bizarre but charming looking creature, "once found in great numbers in South Africa's Cape Province and the southern part of the Orange Free State."


Or perhaps, if we want to be optimistic retrocentrics, and believe in the mantra that what was once old will soon become new again, we could choose the Bavarian pine vole. "No specimens of this rodent were recorded after 1962 and it was thought to be extinct. However, a population apparently belonging to this species was discovered in 2000 in Northern Tyrol, just across the German-Austrian border."

Another thought was the Irish Wolfhound, one of the largest dog breeds around, the traditional mascot of the Irish Guards, named so because they were once used to hunt wolves. "During times of conflict with England, it was not uncommon for Wolfhounds to be trained to take armoured knights off of their horses, thus allowing an infantry man to move in and finish the kill if the Wolfhound had not done so already." Perhaps though, this is a little too menacing.
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Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:32 pm

Alternative motto: “ Mais ou sont les neiges d’antan?” (Francois Villon, “Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis”)
Alternative mascot: the Giant Galapagos Tortoise, an ancient (but not extinct!) survivor that lives for 100 years or more in its own paradise, at its own calm pace, impassive to the tumult and change of the rest of the world.
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