Is Davidoff the best cigar?
In my opinion, Davidoff is the finest cigar. Do you agree?
For me there is no best cigar, only the best for a given situation.
Let me say that Davidoff is probably the finest crafted cigar on the market. I cannot remember the last time I heard anybody say that it had a bad draw, a fast burn, bad combustion etc. What Davidoff does not have going for it is a lot of taste. If you like a very light cigar, then Davidoff is a fine choice. Personally, I don't find Dominican tobacco very complex. I think Havana is far and away the most complex, but if that is not a possibility, I prefer Honduran to Dominican. For my taste buds, the Havana El Rey del Mundo is the ne plus ultra of the light bodied cigar.
As an aside, the shape of the cigar you smoke has a lot to do with the flavor and burn. Those who prefer a large cigar, are rewarded with a very cool cigar that is easy to s,pke, but can be lighter than I may prefer. The thinner gauge cigars will give a more intense flavor, but can get hot and bitter if you are not a gentle, slow smoker. The thinner gauge are my personal favorites. Others prefer a piramide cigar which gives you the range from mild to powerful all in one smoke. This is truly the connaisseurs cigar, and I find that it is a great treat, but a bit much for regular smoking.
Davidoff markets their brand very well. I think they made a huge quality mistake when they abandoned Cuba for the DR. Many devoted Havana smokers have never forgiven them. The Havana Davidoffs were (and still are) a real contender for the title of best cigar.
To answer your original question, my preferred brand of cigar is the Cuban Punch line. I particularly enjoy the Royal Selections and the Super Selections. I also love the Partagas Connaisseur line, although it is a bit hard to find.
Let me say that Davidoff is probably the finest crafted cigar on the market. I cannot remember the last time I heard anybody say that it had a bad draw, a fast burn, bad combustion etc. What Davidoff does not have going for it is a lot of taste. If you like a very light cigar, then Davidoff is a fine choice. Personally, I don't find Dominican tobacco very complex. I think Havana is far and away the most complex, but if that is not a possibility, I prefer Honduran to Dominican. For my taste buds, the Havana El Rey del Mundo is the ne plus ultra of the light bodied cigar.
As an aside, the shape of the cigar you smoke has a lot to do with the flavor and burn. Those who prefer a large cigar, are rewarded with a very cool cigar that is easy to s,pke, but can be lighter than I may prefer. The thinner gauge cigars will give a more intense flavor, but can get hot and bitter if you are not a gentle, slow smoker. The thinner gauge are my personal favorites. Others prefer a piramide cigar which gives you the range from mild to powerful all in one smoke. This is truly the connaisseurs cigar, and I find that it is a great treat, but a bit much for regular smoking.
Davidoff markets their brand very well. I think they made a huge quality mistake when they abandoned Cuba for the DR. Many devoted Havana smokers have never forgiven them. The Havana Davidoffs were (and still are) a real contender for the title of best cigar.
To answer your original question, my preferred brand of cigar is the Cuban Punch line. I particularly enjoy the Royal Selections and the Super Selections. I also love the Partagas Connaisseur line, although it is a bit hard to find.
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