I see loads of bespoke clothing these days from brands and craftsmen from around the world from my own visits and thanks to visitors to the LL sartorial vacations. The quality of the make (from a layman's point of view) is generally quite good and often better than some of the stuff I saw in the 80s and 90s. The styles and cuts of the clothes are often questionable, but that is a matter of taste.I am not going to cut up my A&S to see what is inside, but A) I saw it as it was being made and it clearly had a hand-made intercollar and had-padded fronts; and B) from the outside, it looks as well made as any English clothing I have (and better than most, actually) though perhaps a hair behind the best Italians. You can't fault the make of what they are putting out these days.
The "best" Italians (and Parisians) have a focus on hand finishing that English tailors have never had. Windsor's own clothes made by Scholte are not much different from those made today by AS, Huntsman, Poole or others of the same school. Those clothes were good enough for a king after all. If it were more important to SR and its clients, I suspect they would make luxurious finishing a priority. Fit, however, is something that should not be compromised and the goods I see mostly fit well or at least "well enough." I say that because in my opinion micro focus on detail and fiddling with same is a sure way to style ruin.