DJ with sleeve cuffs

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:28 am

Sorry, Costi, I had not realised that this was about whether you were right or wrong! :oops: I hope that my personal preference for a DJ, regardless of tradition, being substantially consistent with yours is not a cause for concern!
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Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:07 pm

shredder wrote:Sorry, Costi, I had not realised that this was about whether you were right or wrong!
If I'm not wrong, it isn't! :)

Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:01 pm

Costi wrote:and constantly arranging his red pocket square when he was not playing:
This kind of dress, at least for a classical musician, in my opinion detracts from the performance rather than enhance it.
If you are Nigel Kennedy though, do as you please and don't ask about tradition :wink:
This is the best argument yet against breast-pocket adornments. 8) :lol:

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Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:34 am

Jordan Marc wrote:Shredder:

Not at all. Smoking jackets are worn at home. Sometimes for an intimate dinner with friends, other times for retiring to your study to read, write or listen to music. The only person I can think of who wore a smoking jacket out was the lead character in George Pal's version of The Time Machine, a gaff in costuming if ever there was one; but, then, to be accurate, technically the time traveler never really left his house as he journeyed into the future.

What if you want to keep a SJ in your club - assuming it has been spared of the somoking ban?
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