reasonably priced soft tailored suit

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:38 pm

old henry wrote:An individual pattern is made from the block just the same as and individual pattern can be drafted. Raphael has individual paper for all of his customers and he uses Blocks. Maurizzio had Individual paper for all of his customers and he made them from blocks.It does not matter. Individual patterns are made from blocks or drafting. I have individual patterns for all of my customers. Some are made from blocks..some are drafted. .. blocks or draft.. It does not make one bit of difference. It does not matter at all.. It is the lack of expertise on the "tailors" part. A good block is as good as a good draft.. such as the Mitchell System.. if the tailor knows his business. Blocks vs Draft is not an issue. Individual paper patterns are made from blocks and drafts. I just want the correct information to be on the LL.
Thanks Frank. GB use, from what I understand, the "Thornton system".

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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:47 am

Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:45 pm

rogiercreemers wrote:For some reason, I had to think of an old tailor joke:

A gentleman goes to his tailor to try on a new bespoke suit. The first thing he notices is that the left arm is too long.
"No problem," says the tailor. "Just bend it at the elbow and hold them out in front of you. See, now it's fine."
"But the collar is up around my ears!"
"It's nothing. Just hunch your back up a little . . . no, a little more. . . . that's it."
"But I'm stepping on my cuffs!" our chap cries in desperation.
"Well, bend your knees a little to take up the slack. There you go. Look in the mirror -- the suit fits perfectly."
And so, our man lurches out onto the street. Two fellows see him go by.
"Oh, look," says the one, "that poor man!"
"Yes," says the other, "but his tailor is a genius!"
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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