Oxxford's Trunk Show Includes Hats

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Mark Seitelman
Posts: 965
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Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:36 pm

This week the Oxxford Store is having its spring trunk show, and it is including hats.

The following, special events are planned:

Wednesday, March 9th: The president of Holland & Sherry will present his spring collection including 220's and cashmeres.

Friday and Saturday, March 11th and 12th:

1. Oxxford's chief tailor/desiner, Rocco Giovannangelo, will do fittings;

2. Graham Thompson of Optimo Hats of Chicago will present his collection. The flyer says that Optimo is the finest hat and uses the best beaver fur felts.

3. David Dumont will present Oxxford's custom and bespoke shirtings. Order 6 and get the 7th free.

Appointments are advised (212-593-0204). If you call, please feel free to mention my name.

Best wishes,

Matt Deckard
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Mon Mar 07, 2005 4:19 pm

I have 6 Optimos and from past experience with many many other modern hatters, they are the best in qaulity and workmanship in my opinion. The felt used by Graham is fantastic.

Mark Seitelman
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Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:53 am

I bought a grey fedora from Graham Thompson of Optimo yesterday at the Oxxford Store.

Mr. Thompson is making the hat to my measurements. I tried on some samples to determine crown height and brim width.

I was very impressed. His samples were beautiful, and I saw some felts which I have not seen in the RTW stores. He also has a wide selection of colors. He is very knowledgeable. He's also young. He learned his craft from the last of the old time hatters of Chicago.

Optimo will also clean and block hats at reasonable cost. Just mail your hats. I have three hats that I'm mailing tomorrow.

I was not the only customer who was impressed. Mr. Hays, the owner of Oxxford, bought six hats.
Matt Deckard
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Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:46 pm

When should you be getting your new hat? and was it a light or heavyweight that you picked?

One of our fedora lounge members recently picked up a Toffee in their signature line.
Mark Seitelman
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Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:54 am

I picked a lightweight mid-grey. It should be ready by April 10th.
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Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:35 am

I had a chance to speak with Graham late last year. The conversation proved Mr. Graham Thompson, the young hatmaker from Chicago, to be an artisan in the LL ilk. He was invited to become our resident hat expert but time constraints have made his participation here impossible. This is unfortunate as he is a passionate and knowledgeable hat craftsman the likes of which are becoming all too rare these days.

Nothwithstanding his pure hatmaking skills what impressed most about Mr. Thompson were the lengths to which he goes to find the best felt and materials for his hats, its a global search that isn't at all easy. In this way he reminded very much of what Tony Gaziano has done with Edward Green, seeking out the very best skins available on the market today for his fortunate clients.


The second thing that impressed was his knowledge of the history and tradition of his craft.

I am going to invite Graham again to come visit us here once and awhile. In any case you can excpect to see his name on the list of LL Certified Artisans in the near future.

The mid gray Fedora is a very useful, especially in Spring and Summer when our beloved browns are just a bit to dark. A good Panama and a mid gray Dora, the two hat essentials for warmer weather along with linen caps (stay tuned for some beautiful Limited edition linen caps.)
Matt Deckard
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Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:47 pm

Here is a short video on Optimo hats.

Mark Seitelman
Posts: 965
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Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:28 am

Matt, thanks for the video!
Matt Deckard
Posts: 75
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Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:48 pm

Sorry it's cut short. I think it is from 3 or so years ago.
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