Changing money in use

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:55 pm

One side effect of the Pandemic has been the vastly inreased use of plastic cards over cash be that treasury notes or coins. In many shops proffering even such a note as a fiver is frowned upon. Has anyone changed the type or shape of wallet to cope with this or even pockets fitted to new commissions. I confess that I have moved to Launer2s five card, card holder rather than a wallet and now keep that ian what was once a 'ticket pocket" inside the cpoat. Other pockets for review - have to admit this card holder is moving to a trouser fob pocket for added convenience.

Any views gentlmen?
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Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:37 pm

For some years now, I've gone over to the small wallet made by Saddleback:

I am normally so careless with bills that having a larger wallet made no difference in how they behaved. They actually get less crumpled if I fold them and keep them in my pocket without bothering with the wallet. So I just put all my cards in the Saddleback and stick that in my front pocket. All of my trousers are made with pleats, and I am finding that in the UK especially, carrying cash is almost completely unnecessary. So it is a solution with little downside.
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Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:53 pm

I haven't carried cash in years. Cash is dirty, coins are ridiculously heavy and also very unsanitary. I use a simple card holder from Ettinger. Even then, I pay with my phone in almost all situations.

Leaving Italy on Friday and entering the United States on Saturday we were stopped by customer agents both times and asked how much cash we were carrying. Both agents were completely surprised when I replied "none".
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Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:26 pm

andy57 wrote:
Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:53 pm
I haven't carried cash in years. Cash is dirty, coins are ridiculously heavy and also very unsanitary. I use a simple card holder from Ettinger. Even then, I pay with my phone in almost all situations.

Leaving Italy on Friday and entering the United States on Saturday we were stopped by customer agents both times and asked how much cash we were carrying. Both agents were completely surprised when I replied "none".
Same here - haven’t used cash in years (unless I’m in a cash-heavy country) and never ever carry coins around - they just destroy pockets.

I carry a small card holder from Tumi, even though I rarely take it out, as I tend to pay with my phone. The exception is when I need an ID - I’m just waiting for Apple (hint, Andy!) to let me onboard my drivers license and national ID, and then I’m done.
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Fri May 13, 2022 6:03 am

I occasionally use a Tiffany's money clip to hold cash. However, like others here, I find myself using cash less and less. For a wallet, I have various wallets from Chester Mox. They offer both ready-made models and bespoke, so you can get whatever you want.
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Tue May 24, 2022 4:47 pm

derekguy wrote:
Fri May 13, 2022 6:03 am
I occasionally use a Tiffany's money clip to hold cash. However, like others here, I find myself using cash less and less. For a wallet, I have various wallets from Chester Mox. They offer both ready-made models and bespoke, so you can get whatever you want.
Same - I only hold cash if I know I'm going to use it or if it's preferred (e.g., to give a tip to valets when parking or at the hotel for room service). I've been able to get away with carrying all of my essentials in a 4/6 card slim card holder.

I use this one from Valextra ... COLOR.html
Leonard Logsdail
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Wed May 25, 2022 3:55 pm

For years I've been using a hidden pocket inside the top of my trouser waistband. A tad difficult to get at, but my cards are safe and cannot be seen.

I haven't used a wallet for 35 years. They are bulky. Paper money just slips in my side pocket
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Wed May 25, 2022 5:52 pm

A watch pocket under the outside of the waistband serves much that function, although you have to make sure the card case isn't too bulky.
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