Jack Taylor of Beverly Hills

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Mark Seitelman
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Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:42 pm

I read on another blog that Jack Taylor died.

I am surprised that there has been scant mention of his passing. There was not even an obituary in the Los Angeles Times. This is surprising in that he was an outspoken and colorful tailor to the establishment and old guard of show biz.

He was the subject of an excellent documentary entitled "Jack Taylor of Beverly Hills" which aired on the Sundance Channel. See http://www.jacktaylorthemovie.com/

I am guessing that he was easily in his 90's at his death.

Does anyone have information as to his death, retirement, closure of his shop? Has anyone been a customer?
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Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:27 pm

Mark Seitelman wrote: I am guessing that he was easily in his 90's at his death. Does anyone have information as to his death, retirement, closure of his shop? Has anyone been a customer?
I didn´t know of his passing. One of the most famous "tailors of the stars". He was 99 y.o.!!!
He retired in 2011. The last of his shops -on Cannon Dr. in LA- closed that same year.
Last edited by hectorm on Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:45 pm

The news of his passing, or at least a rumor, has been circulating in the Twitterverse for a couple of days.
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Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:38 am

I knew Jack Taylor and his wife Bonnie; wonderful people. He became a little crotchety in his golden years; but he was always full of wonderful stories. I had 5 suites made by him.

Jack was not a tailor, but his knowledge would rival that of any bench tailor. He had the “eye” of a tailor,(among other, things he knew balance, button stance, shoulder to hip and how to do an armhole measurement etc..) You could walk into his shop, and he could immediately tell you who bespoke your suite, (provided that is, you were wearing one). I remember once, when a gentleman came into the shop, he was wearing an Anderson and Sheppard, Jack knew it as soon as he saw him. But he also saw all the flaws in the suit, which most people would never know or see. Then he lamented on how a once venerable institution, had fallen and was producing, as he put “shoddy” work.
His right hand man, Sam, was his head tailor about 30 years; he didn’t like to be rushed and nothing was leaving the shop if it was not perfect.
Sadly, they had to close the shop, because Jack was stricken with dementia.
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Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:27 am

I just spoke with Jack's care taker; to paraphrase Mark Twain, The reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated. Jack is 100 years old, his wife is 95. Other then the dementia, he is healthy as a 100 year old man can be.
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Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:01 pm

Mark Seitelman wrote:I read on another blog that Jack Taylor died.
BESPOKE62 wrote: The reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated. Jack ..is healthy as a 100 year old man can be.
We should punished the person who started the rumor on a blog with 8 weeks of wearing a dickey! :mrgreen:
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