While the cutter's away...

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-Honore de Balzac

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Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:54 am

I am having a suit made. The cutter has a good personal reputation (personally, rather than a house reputation). However, I am aware that he has been away since the day after my measurements were taken. I had a call yesterday saying that he has just returned and is ready to do a fitting. Should I be concerned that he has obviously had little if any involvement or is this par for the course?
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Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:57 am

Sammyo77 wrote: Should I be concerned that he has obviously had little if any involvement or is this par for the course?

Dear Sammyo77,

the short answer is no. The first fitting (basted in your case most likely) helps the tailor to reshape and correct the cut where necessary. The suit pieces are ripped down after your fitting and recut if needed.

As a general rule, I would advise against having anticipated concerns. They are often a source of distrust between bespeaker and tailor.

Cheers, David
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Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:46 pm


I heard it takes ~1 hour to draw a new pattern from scratch. Thus, in theory there was more than enough time for your cutter to create a pattern for you in the very same day. After that, other people (striker, tailor) work on preparing first fitting -- irregardless of whatever the cutter available or not.

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Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:24 pm

Sammyo77 , I don't know who your tailor is but it's not likely that they will cut a knew pattern unless something is very wrong with the original. I understand that your concern is that the reputable cutter did not cut your suit himself nor drew the pattern . If I was you I wouldn't focus that much on the name of the cutter , unless of course it was part of the agreement f pm the begging that I come to you becouse I want so and so to cut my suits . Even so , go to the fitting without to much preoccupation, see how it works out and make sure you take your time to observe that you are getting what you wanted .. Make sure you communicate your observations and that you really understand the answers or suggestions you may receive..if not ask again ! Many of us go to fittings as experts ..We hasitate to ask too much becouse we " should have done our homework ". Ask and make sure you leave there satisfied with the results. Than you can forget about who actually did cut your suit. The man who cuts my suits for 15 years is a nobody in the constantly upcoming market of the bespoke business. Still I'm really satisfied with his work and many LL members have made flattering comments about his work over the years . ..
Enjoy your day tomorrow.
Posts: 65
Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:02 pm
Location: London

Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:49 pm

Thanks all, wise counsel as ever.
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