Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:14 am
It would be my pleasure. The tailor's name is Achod Amassian and he's the head tailor at Harry Rosen's Montreal store. In case you're not aware, Harry Rosen is a high-end men's store in Canada.
Contact info:
1455 Peel Street, Suite 227 (inside Les Cours Mont Royal)
Montréal, PQ
H3A 1T5
I know some people might balk at getting bespoke done at a chain instead of an independant tailor, but frankly this is Montreal and not London, and my tolerance for risk is fairly low when it comes to clothes. I'd also like to mention that I long ago pledged my undying loyalty to the store because the gentleman I deal with there has treated me exceedingly well from the first time i stepped in to the store as your typical teenager wearing nothing but rags. There are a couple of salesmen there that provide a level of service way beyond what is typical. There is nothing they won't do for you. If you're ever shopping in Montreal, just ask me for the name of the guy I deal with.
Getting back to bespoke, only two of their stores offer it, and the garments are cut and tailored on-site in each case. Achod is the salesman, the cutter, and the man in charge of the Montreal bespoke shop. An old italian guy whom I haven't met does the same thing in Toronto. I can't say whether or not they have a style they prefer, but I'm sure they both must. From what I can gather, the operations are organized the same way as your typical SR house. For instance, I know Achod just hired a tailor specifically for his great work doing surgeon's cuffs.
I'll give you what little history there is... The Montreal bespoke shop is actually fairly new. It's been running for 3 years, but is now very busy, with a lot of repeat customers. What they were originally doing when they opened it was measuring and fitting the clients in montreal and then shipping the jackets to Toronto to be made. In this way, it was more of a hybrid MTM/bespoke operation because the pattern was cut by the Italian in Toronto, based on measurements taken in Montreal.
The service was more popular than expected, and Toronto soon became back-logged with orders, so Achod asked Harry Rosen (the actual founder of the store) to let him cut a suit. Harry was impressed and told Achod to start cutting the Montreal suits. As of that point, it could be called a true bespoke shop.
Achod is very accomodating and is a pleasure to deal with. He's also quite young by most standards, as he's in his late 40s or early 50s. I'll reserve final judgement for the finished product, but so far, I'm extremely pleased.
If there's anything else you'd like to know, don't hesitate to ask. I'll update this thread again once I have the jacket in my possession with pictures of it on me. Oh and you guessed correctly, it is an odd jacket.
Oh, and if you do go, tell him Jody sent you!