Boisdale of Belgravia (Old Fedorians London Dinner)

"The brute covers himself, the rich man and the fop adorn themselves, the elegant man dresses!"

-Honore de Balzac

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Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:21 pm

Shame none of you guys could make it to Belgravia for our dinner, as your satorial elegance and knowledge would have been a welcomed addition to the whole experience. Maybe next year..?
It's a super little place very close to Victoria Station (for those of you familiar with London). Has a private gentlemen's clubby feel to it with rich dark greens and burgundys giving a backdrop to the vintage etchings and prints on the walls. A fine selection of cigars and whiskyk, enriched by a four piece jazz band playing numbers from the 20s to 40s added to the ambience of the place.
For London, the meal was good value for money, (we weren't expecting Michelin starred food, but good quality British cooking, and that's what we got) with everyone opting for a medium rare Aberdeen angus steak complimented by parsnip puree and peppercorn sauce on a bed of mashed potato. Quite a 'gamey' menu, which, as a country bumpkin used to dining off the estate in Northumberland I well appreciated.
There was a good gathering of members from the Fedora Lounge, who had travelled from the US; Ireland; Romania, Denmark and 'arts and parts' of the UK.
A great selection of vintage attire and fedoras (of course) added to the interest, but a gathering of like minded souls created a unique feel to the evening, where many of us had only met 'online' and not in the flesh!
To Alden and Whittakker, really sorry you guys couldn't make it (I heard something had come up), but hopefully there will be other occasions, if you would be interested.
And yes, I would recommend The Boisdale, as a reasonably priced venue, with good basic food, great music and a classy, clubby feel to it, including the Scottish aristocratic owner!

Kindest Regards, PADDY (Middleton)
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Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:59 am

Thanks for the update, Paddy.

If I lived in London, I certainly would have come, if only to meet you gents and see your fedoras!
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Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:46 pm

PADDY wrote:To Alden and Whittakker, really sorry you guys couldn't make it (I heard something had come up), but hopefully there will be other occasions, if you would be interested.
It was disappointing to miss a fine evening at a restaurant I enjoy very much. My daughter has tonsillitis, accompanied by its sisters: high temperature and occasional throwing up. Under the circumstances I felt a night on the town was inappropriate. I'll certainly try to make a future dinner.
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Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:32 am

We will do it again next year.
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