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The Oscars
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:33 pm
by rodes
Last night I watched about 15 minutes worth. The glitz was present but the style has long departed. I leave the critism of the women to others. They seemed fine to me, at least in apearance. Though there were a few exceptions,the men were awful. This seems a shame for the awards were traditionaly one place where style reigned and now this is gone.
Re: The Oscars
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:40 pm
by Cufflink79
An article today stated that James Franco didn't care about his performance. I guess you could say it showed in the clothing in general as well.
What happened to a once elegant world?
Best Regards,
Re: The Oscars
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:55 pm
by storeynicholas
The blacks shirts were an abortion but there were more bow ties again. They could have been worse. But, overall, they don't really compare favourably with the way the old stars looked. Moreover, the speeches were, generally hopeless and more should take a leaf out of Ray Milland's book and just bow and walk off! There are rumours that you have to subscribe to the academy to enter the competition and and an ugly rumour that the Oscars go to the highest $$ subscriber in each category. Whatever the truth of the matter, it is an ugly mutual back-slapping event, during which many are overcome with too much flooding emotion. Of course, though, we watched it all and saw Firth get his gong for a sound (but uninspiring) performance as Geo VI.
Re: The Oscars
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:52 pm
by carl browne
You are so right: it was Hollywood congratulating Hollywood on Hollywood's performances over a Hollywood TV station for the benefit of the Hollywood-obsessed.
The worst abuses of correct dress were the white tie/dj ensembles a la President Obama. They appeared on presenters after an old Oscar clip of Bob Hope was shown, with Hope perfectly turned out in white tie and tails. I suppose the organizers of the event were unclear on the difference between white tie and black.
The exception to this was Jude Law, who looked as though he was intentionally breaking the rules--and so appeared somewhat less ridiculous.
Re: The Oscars
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:07 pm
by storeynicholas
Carl - do you have a link to Jude Law; doesn't he come from Lewisham? They don't do rules in Lewisham!
Re: The Oscars
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:54 pm
by carl browne
It doesn't take a trained ear to know he's not from Mayfair.