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Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:44 am

And there was I thinking that Posh 'n' Becks were annoying enough. Here they are; the people from whom I really fled: the celebrities of modern Briton: ... 63300.html

How is there a way back from this moron-led 'culture'?

Man at C&A
Posts: 216
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:49 pm

Other than the dose of crashing snobbery, what the problem here? James Corden looks decent enough, true I’d prefer a longer coat but fashun and all that, and Jessie J looks fabulous. The rest are mostly manufactured puffs of nothing who are designed to separate 12 year old girls from their pocket money. So what if they look like they dressed with their eyes closed?

Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:51 pm

Man at C&A wrote:Other than the dose of crashing snobbery, what the problem here? James Corden looks decent enough, true I’d prefer a longer coat but fashun and all that, and Jessie J looks fabulous. The rest are mostly manufactured puffs of nothing who are designed to separate 12 year old girls from their pocket money. So what if they look like they dressed with their eyes closed?
Within three lines you have managed to create something of a non sequitur. Lack of trained and disciplined brains (and the brain drain) is yet another problem, as it means that society is led by even more morons.

Last edited by NJS on Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:52 pm

NJS - Have you ever thought you were turning into your father. I can remember mine in the 60s "You can't tell if they are men or women with those haircuts".

Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:00 pm

culverwood wrote:NJS - Have you ever thought you were turning into your father. I can remember mine in the 60s "You can't tell if they are men or women with those haircuts".
Funnily enough, my father went trendy in the 1970s, much to the outrage both of his parents and his children! However, I remember the end of a limerick on the subject which ends:

..................... and now nobody knows
Which one Algernon was or which Alice is.

I am not sure that it is just the haircuts, it's their whole demeanour and my feelings are not prompted by 'crashing snobbery', as suggested by C&A - but by utter contempt.
Miles Messervy
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:03 pm


"Ed Sheeran wore a smart navy blue suit for his second BRIT Awards."

Oh yes, no problem at all there... :roll:
Man at C&A
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:10 pm

Such is the music business that I have no doubt that.... thing.... in a blue suit was told exactly what he was going to wear by his PR.

Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:14 pm

MM - For a second there I thought that it was Gary Cooper :? .

However, on reflection, I suggest that we should have pity on the afflicted.

Miles Messervy
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:18 pm

... Dressed up like a million dollar trouper
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper...
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:35 pm

Miles Messervy wrote:Image

"Ed Sheeran wore a smart navy blue suit for his second BRIT Awards."

Oh yes, no problem at all there... :roll:


That stopped me in my tracks.

"Ed Sheeran wore a smart navy blue suit for his second BRIT Awards."

As Mr Sheeran himself might put it, someone is plainly "having a giraffe"

To place the matter in cultural context, my research on Mr Sheeran reveals at the very pinnacle of Google's efforts that he lost his mobile telephone at the Brit Awards. This matter pollutes some 15 newlines. I look forward to further sartorial cues from Mr Sheeran's image consultant, although unless these begin with a comb and a razor, they might fail to impress.
Naples or London?
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:48 pm

I haven't laughed as much in was either that or cry. NJS is quite right; this is indicative of modern Britain - lauding the superficial and inconsequential. Is this is the only "industry" left. Thankyou Mr Cowell et al....
Miles Messervy
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:51 pm

Let us not delude ourselves, gentlemen: it is indicative of the modern world, or most of it, at any rate...
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:23 pm

NJS wrote: How is there a way back from this moron-led 'culture'?
I wouldn´t worry too too much. I have a ten year old son and he and all of his friends from Year 5, would tell you that those guys are fakes trying to sell something. Let´s give the young ones more credit.

Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:40 pm

hectorm wrote:
NJS wrote: How is there a way back from this moron-led 'culture'?
I wouldn´t worry too too much. I have a ten year old son and he and all of his friends from Year 5, would tell you that those guys are fakes trying to sell something. Let´s give the young ones more credit.
Fair enough: for our - rarely - knowing sons (let's face it the gals don't look too bad). But for the 2,000-3,000 or so true cogniscenti left alive - we'll never again see even a glimpse of the scenes (like the nice ones posted in the photographs' thread), of boulvardiers, in their prime. The world is going the way of: gym shoes, tees and trackies (expensive ones, I have no doubt) - but my generation let this happen.

The sky-scape for general Liberty and true freedom of expression follows the decline in appreciation of line and form in outward things. Modern 'liberals' are selective and pander (nice word), to those with the biggest mouths and the biggest pockets: cranks, control-freaks; celebrities, and other minority groups, bent (again, a nice word), on destroying everything around them which they need to devalue. Sorry to cause offence - or appear to be a 'snob' - it's just the way that I see it and, therefore, tell it. I fear that it is a matter of 'hard cheese', if you don't like my observations - but- I am not sorry to say that I feel my observations are just as valid (obviously, no more valid), than those of anyone else.

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