London Barber

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Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:32 pm

Can anyone recommend a good one? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:05 pm

Geo F Trumper is very well known as a barber and shaving cream brand. I have never had a haircut there though. Somewhere in West End definitely seems like it would be your best bet.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:32 pm

I just checked-out my old barber - they used to be in Old Bond Street, then they moved to St James's Street. In all the years that I went there, I never saw such ponsified nonsense as this on offer - head massages; face massages; 'exfoliation' (does that mean a good scrub?): ... vices.html

and a few hours and a few hundred pounds in cash lighter you stagger out, sore and tired....

Once, you just: made an appointment, went in and had your bloody hair cut! What is happening to the world: it's all gorn stark, staring, raving MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:38 am

Trumper gives very fine haircuts. Last I saw them was just off Jermyn Street. They might have found more permanent lodgings since then. If I find myself needing a haircut but knowing that I'll be in London in the next few weeks, I hold off to have it cut there.

Many years ago I did use Truefitt & Hill--- once or twice at their old place on The Street (... Bond Street) and then a few on St. James. I'm pretty sure that any staff whose work I liked will have retired by now. I do wish they still offered their tar shampoo for sale. That was a real whiff of nostalgia, however fictional.
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Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:42 am

Thanks, all, for the suggestions. It is much appreciated. I'm finding myself a bit woolly these days and unable to get in to see my man on the home turf before heading out across the pond later this week, so I need to make alternate arrangements.
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Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:31 am

I was served at Trumpers on Curzon Street last week. Excellent address.


Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:57 am

Concordia wrote:Trumper gives very fine haircuts. Last I saw them was just off Jermyn Street. They might have found more permanent lodgings since then. If I find myself needing a haircut but knowing that I'll be in London in the next few weeks, I hold off to have it cut there.

Many years ago I did use Truefitt & Hill--- once or twice at their old place on The Street (... Bond Street) and then a few on St. James. I'm pretty sure that any staff whose work I liked will have retired by now. I do wish they still offered their tar shampoo for sale. That was a real whiff of nostalgia, however fictional.
There were a couple of youngsters there in the mid-eighties but then that 27 uears ago and they'd be olduns too by now!
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Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:49 am

I use the local Sicilian barber but the barbers in Dunhill at Bourdon House, Davies Street has always tempted me.
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Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:18 pm


I have been to Trumper at Curzon Street several times. Excellent service, very good hair cut - there is not much left though 8)
Brilliant wet shave, very good no nonsense manicure.

cheers, David

Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:03 pm

The Waldorf Hotel used to have a couple of good barbers; while working, with all the economy and efficiency of skill, they either gave the old-fashioned chat or remained silent, as one wished. There was also 'The Field' to read. Damned fine publication 'The Field'!

Sorry about that...


Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:55 am

Vincenzo on Weymouth Street off Marylebone High St is not as smart as the traditional barbers in St James, but I have never had a bad haircut there. It is also substantially cheaper, a haircut being about £20. My father has been going there 25 years and I never go anywhere else.

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Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:03 am

thanks again to all for the suggestions. I ended up popping into Trumpers on Curzon Street and not being at all displeased. a straight-razor shave plus haircut was quite humanizing (and well executed on both counts).
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Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:56 pm

Next time, you should try Carlo Anichini in the Piccadilly arcade. He has always done a grand job for me
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Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:16 pm

gherrmann wrote: I ended up popping into Trumpers on Curzon Street and not being at all displeased.
I´m glad to hear that Trumper is still around and kicking. So many memories. When in lived in London in the early nineties, this was THE place for a young knowing gentleman to go for a haircut or buying cologne. Once in a while I continue dropping by their beautiful shop on Curzon and it´s always a joy to find that they haven´t modernized at all. The same glass showcases, the same wood cubicles with red velvet curtains, and even (almost) the same barbers sporting waist coats.
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Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:00 am

Gino at Truefitt and Hill, St James, great cutter and does a fantastic shave. Also he does not talk to much.
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