I am seeking a firsthand reference for spectacular UK venue in which to wear a bespoke tweed shooting suit while pursuing grouse and/or pheasants and a little father-son camaradarie.
My father and I are planning a trip for the fall of '12. Though no strangers to nights under canvas in sporting fields of the world, we're looking to the UK for an elegant, "doesn't-get-better" experience. Tweed shooting suits and matched pairs or 12 bores. That sort of thing.
We have an initial set of leads, but I'll wager that one of you fine gentlemen will know a special place or two.
Please feel free to PM if you don't want to draw untoward attention.
Appropriate venue for a bespoke tweed shooting suit
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Yes well I have to declare an interest here...! Hello Caldwell. I cannot with very sound knowledge comment on the situation in the UK, but one of the most important factors for this kind of thing is how supportive the government - local and national - is of shooting and hunting.
I CAN, however, say with very great personal knowledge, that South Africa is among the very very best locations for hunting parties to be conducted. It has the additional benefit IN SPITE OF MASSES OF CONTRARY MEDIA RUBBISH, of being highly industrialized and very much first-world, and capable of supplying first-class service and services across the board of anything and everything you could need.
I own a small safari base camp north of Durban and not far from the Prince Edward Grant Land hunt facility, although we take people to a large variety of venues not limited to one specific ground.
That South Africa has a crime and violence problem is absolute bloody nonsense, but it's only when you are there with locals who know the gen that you will understand why I say that. Put it this way, the media and many people who have left the place have vastly overstated the situation and have almost deliberately confused individual stupidity and arrogance with the effects of 'violence and crime.'
There is a wide diversity of weather and atmospheric conditions across South African hunting and fishing locations and you will be able to locate virtually any type of scenery you desire - Harrismith is not dissimilar to Highland fly fishing ground.
I mostly reside in Australia and I can tell you that when it comes to fly fishing there are secret locations here that are unequalled anywhere in the world and even Dick Cheney(!) would tell you as much.
But when it comes to guns - South Africa, my boy. And I need not tell you how horrendously expensive these things, that is, hunting trips, are.
Best Wishes,
Jack A.
I CAN, however, say with very great personal knowledge, that South Africa is among the very very best locations for hunting parties to be conducted. It has the additional benefit IN SPITE OF MASSES OF CONTRARY MEDIA RUBBISH, of being highly industrialized and very much first-world, and capable of supplying first-class service and services across the board of anything and everything you could need.
I own a small safari base camp north of Durban and not far from the Prince Edward Grant Land hunt facility, although we take people to a large variety of venues not limited to one specific ground.
That South Africa has a crime and violence problem is absolute bloody nonsense, but it's only when you are there with locals who know the gen that you will understand why I say that. Put it this way, the media and many people who have left the place have vastly overstated the situation and have almost deliberately confused individual stupidity and arrogance with the effects of 'violence and crime.'
There is a wide diversity of weather and atmospheric conditions across South African hunting and fishing locations and you will be able to locate virtually any type of scenery you desire - Harrismith is not dissimilar to Highland fly fishing ground.
I mostly reside in Australia and I can tell you that when it comes to fly fishing there are secret locations here that are unequalled anywhere in the world and even Dick Cheney(!) would tell you as much.
But when it comes to guns - South Africa, my boy. And I need not tell you how horrendously expensive these things, that is, hunting trips, are.
Best Wishes,
Jack A.
Hello Caldwell,
Although I’ve shot pheasant & grouse in the UK for quite a few a few years I’ve sadly no personal experience of the “doesn’t-get-better” end of the shooting market especially where all inclusive shooting & accommodation packages are concerned. I’ve read various reports in the glossier shooting magazines of some very impressive days organised for visiting sportsmen who want ‘the works’ however I’d hesitate to recommend any particular agency on that basis.
Holland & Holland used to run an agency that was capable of providing exactly what you are looking for; I heard they’d sold it but I’m sure a call or email to them in London would result in either an introduction to their former agency or some good recommendations. They’d be my first port of call.
Jack mentioned South Africa - H&H used to (or still can?) organise some wonderful bird shooting in Africa with the grand & mobile accommodation for the shooting party being the African version of the Orient Express - only better from the look of it.
It’s relatively straightforward for the foreign sportsman to bring shotguns & rifles into the UK (shotguns especially) as long as the expected paperwork is done beforehand. The sporting agency you book with will advise you if you’ve not done it before.
I hope you let us know how you go on. Remember to age the shooting suit a bit before you come; wearing it for a bout of wrestling a Grizzly Bear (or Sarah Palin) should do the trick & get you looking right at home!
Good shooting.
Although I’ve shot pheasant & grouse in the UK for quite a few a few years I’ve sadly no personal experience of the “doesn’t-get-better” end of the shooting market especially where all inclusive shooting & accommodation packages are concerned. I’ve read various reports in the glossier shooting magazines of some very impressive days organised for visiting sportsmen who want ‘the works’ however I’d hesitate to recommend any particular agency on that basis.
Holland & Holland used to run an agency that was capable of providing exactly what you are looking for; I heard they’d sold it but I’m sure a call or email to them in London would result in either an introduction to their former agency or some good recommendations. They’d be my first port of call.
Jack mentioned South Africa - H&H used to (or still can?) organise some wonderful bird shooting in Africa with the grand & mobile accommodation for the shooting party being the African version of the Orient Express - only better from the look of it.
It’s relatively straightforward for the foreign sportsman to bring shotguns & rifles into the UK (shotguns especially) as long as the expected paperwork is done beforehand. The sporting agency you book with will advise you if you’ve not done it before.
I hope you let us know how you go on. Remember to age the shooting suit a bit before you come; wearing it for a bout of wrestling a Grizzly Bear (or Sarah Palin) should do the trick & get you looking right at home!
Good shooting.
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If you actually want to wear your shooting shoot, shooting (not everyone does) I would recommend either Belvoir Castle or Ashcomb Estate. Both are excellent. The first is owned by the Duke and Duchess of Rutland and has been in the family for about 1000 years. It is professionally run. The second is owned by Guy Richie. It, too, is professionally run. At either place you will have fun wearing your clothes and be impressed by the presentation if the birds.
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