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Hard/stiff hats, again, advice sought

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:38 pm
by salsatron
Following my post seeking advice on waistcoats, I think I need to ask a similar question about hard hats (i.e. things like tops, cokes and Homburgs, as opposed to soft fedoras and flat caps). I found a vintage grey bowler which I tried on. Surprisingly, I think it was too big for me (very rare with hats, I normally struggle to find something I can fit my head into), but it still felt uncomfortable on my forehead, despite the gaps at the sides.

Now, soft hats I have little problem with when I find one that fits nicely, but I know nothing about how a hard hat should fit. Any help or advice when I'm out looking for them? Ta.

Re: Hard/stiff hats, again, advice sought

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:51 pm
by Frog in Suit
salsatron wrote: Surprisingly, I think it was too big for me (very rare with hats, I normally struggle to find something I can fit my head into), but it still felt uncomfortable on my forehead, despite the gaps at the sides.

Now, soft hats I have little problem with when I find one that fits nicely, but I know nothing about how a hard hat should fit. Any help or advice when I'm out looking for them? Ta.
A hard hat must fit not only the size, but also the shape of the wearer’s head. Hence the conformateur ( ... CCoQsAQwAg) which derives the shape of one’s head in order for the hatter to shape the hat accordingly. Take your hat to a good hatter who possesses a conformateur.
Frog in Suit

Re: Hard/stiff hats, again, advice sought

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:51 pm
by salsatron
Ta muchly. I presumed that would likely be the case. I will just have to be careful and only ever fork out for something that feels comfortable and sits right.