waistcoat length and coat alterations

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Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:49 am

I have a handmade vintage three piece flannel suit. It was made for a slightly shorter man than myself. However, I think it could be wearable. If I wear the trousers around my natural waist the waistcoat covers the waistband well at the front, although it is a little high at the side, sitting just over the waistband. The coat is a little short, around 30cm from top of collar to hem, but wearable. The trousers have plenty of extra fabric at the hem.

Can coats be lengthened? I am aware that no shirt should show, but where should the side of the waistcoat sit in relation to the waistband.

Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:26 pm

There won't be enough material in the hem to lengthen coat or waistcoat sufficiently.
30cm for the coat seems a bit short, had you inches in mind?
Anyway, rule for coat length is at least to cover the crotch(approx. 20cm below the belt) or to put the hem into your bended hand(where fingers and palm meet).
Waistcoat length is difficult, it should at least cover the belt all way round, I think. Personally, I prefer a length shortly above the rear trouser pockets(that's about 5-6 cm below the belt).
Or take a quarter of your height plus 12 to 16cm for waistcoat(or you can use your natural waist line and add 12 to 16cm).
For coat it is 1/2 height minus 10cm. If you have shorter or longer legs, this rule can be varied.

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