use of a glen check suit in the evening

What you always wanted to know about Elegance, but were afraid to ask!
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Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:27 pm

Is this a possibility, or soemthing anyone in this forum ever indulged in. If so, how did it go

Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:50 pm

of course ..but the look might be a little "daytime" -ish. I can' t remember the full quote but Edward VII was introduced to someone who should have been more formally dressed and who was wearing a check suit and said " Good mornin' ------------- goin' rattin' ?"

Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:59 pm

A lawyer friend once told me of a time when he was a junior associate at a large Manhattan firm. This would have been the 60s or maybe the early 70s. He wore a tasteful glen plaid suit to the office one day. He took an elevator ride with a senior partner who looked him up and down and said, "Nice suit. Going to the racetrack?" Imagine what would have happened had he worn that suit to an evening reception!

That said, I try to avoid wearing glen plaid at night, if I can. If I get a last minute invitation for an evening event on a day when I happen to be wearing plaid, I am not going to go home and change, unless the event is black tie.

Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:06 pm

Suits are so rarely worn for social functions nowadays that I think a glen plaid suit is as good as any other. Certainly anywhere in America anyhow.
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