"narrowing" lapels?
Yes i've known tailors to take lapels in. it might not be possible
in all cases though. Hope you can get it sorted out..
in all cases though. Hope you can get it sorted out..
It;'s sometimes possible, but very difficult to be achieved successfully. Especially if you have a buttonhole in the lapel. I have narrowed lapels in the past, but always caution the client beforehand as to the cost and the subtle changes to the lapel. Sometimes. though, narrowing lapels cannot be done.
I decided that with the particurlar item that caused the question -- a amazing Kiton heavy irish linen suit, french-faced and totally unlined (including the sleeves!) and marred only by a rather low gorge position and rather wide lapels -- will simply not work. The buttonhole is too close to the edge of the lapel. Good to know it can be done though.
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