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What color shoes?
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:13 pm
by Guest
I need help here. Somewhere along the line I picked up bad information about what color shoes go with what color suit--e.g. that a navy suit requires black shoes. I now realize this is woefully off-base.
Would someone be so kind as to provide a brief rundown of various suit colors and the colors of shoes that go best with each? In lieu of that, is there any easily accessible thread where this question is discussed?
Thanks in advance, gentlemen!
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:35 pm
by Guest
The matching of the colours of your suit and shoes is a difficult subject. There is an aesthetic aspect, and a matter of "rules" (which depend very much on your whereabouts).
The colours appropriate for dark plue, solely on visual grounds, would be black and dark brown. If your suit is navy (i.e. there is a dash of purple / red in the blue), a dark red or oxblood can also work well. Lighter shades of brown such as chestnut or tan can create a strong contrast to blue and should be reserved for lighter blues and less formal occasions, I feel. others may disagree. Any brown that appears rather orange is difficult with blue in my opinion (unless it is a very electric variety - Lapo Elkann's photograph in another thread and Dr Bresch's linen suit (now sadly removed - why?) come to my mind).
Rules are more stiffling. In Britain, please do not wear anything but black unless you want to be considered eccentric or foreign, or both. If you wish to avoid making a statement, just stick to black. The times when brown and black distinguished men about town (i.e. men of leisure) and city folk have gone (as have men about town who wear suits). On the continent, non-black is permissable before six in the evening. But too few have sufficient breeding to mind after six o'clock. Thus nobody can be sure whether you are a determined rule-breaker or just ignorant.
I am not sufficiently au courant about the US society to be of any assistance in that region.
In fact, there appears to be a determined back-lash by fashion conscious men against the predominance of black, so brown is even worn when it should not be, really.
Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:37 pm
by Guest
This is, I think, a matter of personal aesthetics. I've generally felt that black leather is best with grey, blue, or black cloth.
Shoes - Colors - London style
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:58 pm
by Guest
Have a question:
Since I don't wear business suits (I live in Los Angeles and am semi retired and have my own company) but I always wear Blue Blazers (Bespoke from Savile Row) almost all the time with a bow tie and Charcoal slacks, braces and slip on loafers. Cordovan or dark brown.
To be correct, in London, should I always wear Black shoes; and if so, can they be slip on? or should they be more formal? Can I wear a brown reverse slip on or tie shoes (ala The Duke of Winsdor). Just curious.
Thank you for your input.
I am a more formal personality, if that will help, but have NO business suits,since there is no occasion in my work in Los Angeles to wear them or own them, BUT I love blue classic English cut blazers!!!
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:18 pm
by Guest
Wearing formal black shoes in London is normal when wearing a business suit.
With a blazer and charcoal trousers you have a wide range of shoe styles and colours that could be acceptably worn.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:03 pm
by Guest
In London I would match a navy blazer with brown or oxblood shoes. The shade very much depends on the trousers. The only black shoes I would chose with a blazer are boots, Chelsea or JL Paris Jodphurs (now sadly discontinued). Anything else risks to look like you wanted to dress up but do not have a suit.
The obsession London men have with black shoes only applies when wearing suits.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:15 pm
by Guest
[quote="Anonymous"]In London I would match a navy blazer with brown or oxblood shoes.
Perfect! Thank you, that matches what I thought, but just wanted to be sure.
I love this site!
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:41 pm
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:
The obsession London men have with black shoes only applies when wearing suits.
TVD, right on target as usual.