Cloth weights

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Frederic Leighton
Posts: 551
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:42 pm
Location: London

Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:42 pm

In relation to this post and the way we indicate cloth weights here in the LL, I already asked some clarification in the past, but am still wondering what's the exact unit of measurement used here. When speaking of grams, is it Grams per square metre or Grams per linear metre?

Both are used with the same frequency by the mills and the difference is not little (usually 50% for cloth 1.5m wide). Ounces/Yards are all another story, and there's some confusion there as well, due to the use of linear vs. two-dimensional units of measurements, and even from mixing Systems (like: ounces/metre), always without indicating units.

Thank you for any clarification.
Posts: 52
Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:14 am

Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:41 pm

At some point I was having the same questions as you so I started weighing the pieces of fabric I was receiving.
My conclusion is the following: the weight in grams corresponds to the weight of a meter of cloth which is 60 inches wide (150 cm).
Otherwise said if you have a piece of cloth of 4 meters with a width of 150 cm and the weight is said to be 300 grams per meter, your piece of cloth should weigh 1200 grams.
An Oz per yard correspond roughly to 30 grams per meter. 9 Ozs per yard would be 270 grams per meter, 10 Ozs would be 300 grams per meter, etc...
This is how I have it and it works.
Frederic Leighton
Posts: 551
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:42 pm
Location: London

Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:33 pm

Thank you, Mimile, for the feedback.

That corresponds to my opinion. Comparing the cloth to other material from my wardrobe, I also figured out that the weight must be in Grams/Linear Metre (150cm width). I don't have a scale precise enough to do what you did, but the comparison with other fabric left me with little doubt at this regard.

I was originally expecting the weight to be in Grams/Square Metre and was a bit surprised when I received my first lengths last Summer.

Thank you again for confirming.
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