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What you always wanted to know about Elegance, but were afraid to ask!
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Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:19 pm

Truly, Londonloungers have eyes that I do not, that see things which I fail to pick up. Rowly, the left sleeve will be lengthened.

Is the right sleeve length good? is there usually some fixed anchoring point to determine the sleeve length, given that shirts do shrink in the wash etc.

I didn't get much chance to view the back, partially because it's somewhat difficult to crane my neck to peer at the mirror. I do, believe, however, that it covers my rear. Hopefully, the backs and sides are not the problematic parts. I shall take pictures of the full garment when I drop by to pick it up, probably sometime end of next week. Is it common that a tailor can produce a garment (on a separate cloth) in two weeks when it is at this present stage?

And yes, Alden, the shirts. I remember them. I decided to go slow, and had one sports jacket made up, as opposed to more suits.

Gido, you're also quite right, just that the tailor is taller than me :lol: I wasn't sure I was going to ask him to stoop down to my height.

*I did feel a little peculiar getting my tailor to snap a picture of me, though it's all in the name of furthering one's knowledge, so I had him take a picture anyway.
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Location: Washington DC

Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:44 pm

marburyvmadison wrote:I didn't get much chance to view the back, partially because it's somewhat difficult to crane my neck to peer at the mirror.
Dear MvM,
the use of a second mirror is advised in this situation.
Sorry for stating the obvious, but if you attempt to view your back by rotating your head around, neck, shoulders and back of the jacket will shift and you´ll never figure out what might be wrong.
Also, there is no substitute for the eyes of a trusted tailor.
Posts: 263
Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:21 pm

Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:30 am

marburyvmadison wrote: I don't mean to rubbish all English shirt makers, but I was under the impression that London was the tailoring mecca for shirts, until I used the household names (and names frequently put out by even those in the know), and, in my opinion, I'm rather sorely disappointed. They didn't come cheap as well, with the minimum orders. Hence, I'm hoping to get my shirt pattern down pat in Naples (or in Paris :lol: ) since that will facilitate subsequent orders.

Did you ever go to Naples for shirts at all? How did you fare?
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